2. A THE TAMPA TIMES, Monday, December 25, 1978 WeailierScope Mt9kLowR4m 7 PM fSI 24 WW 0 Temperatures 0 71 Florida 20 21. 32 39 42 35 30 ft 3 0-01 023 Sookone Syracuse Topeko Tulsa 'j. 1 Washington Wichita Canada Edmonton. Montreal Ottowa Regina Toronto Vancouver Wmnioea at antra 75 12 14 12 28 37 OS furriM Cloudy and colder is Christmas forecast The Christmas Day weather outlook in the Tampa Bay area is (Or variable cloudiness today and Tuesday, turning a little cooler today and tonight.
Highs will be mostly in the low to mid 70s. Lows tonight will be in the upper 40s to near 50, Winds will become northwesterly 10 to 15 mph today, decreasing tonight. St. Nick had to dodge some showers and thunderstorms over southern Florida as he made his early rounds but by midnight the unsettled conditions had moved southeast of the state. The thunderstorms were the remnants of a squall line that spawned windstorms in central and northern Florida.
Almost all sections of the state had some Christmas Eve rainfall, in many places sorely needed. A weakening cold front moving slowly southward through the central counties will generate some cloudiness Aoolachicoia 76 Coral Gables 78 Crestview J7 Davtona Brack 19 Ft. Lauderdale 82 Ft. Mvers GoirvesviUe 79 Homestead Islamorada Jacksonville 7 Kev West eo Miami 78 Orlondo 81 Pensacala 78 Tallahassee .78 Tampa 71 Vero Beoch 80 W. Palm Beoch 80 IXXXX1 0 84 HiorLowIUhi wK law Birmingham 74 63 Kansas City IS Jl Bismorck J3 II Las Vegas 51 Boise 37 16 Little Bock 65 Boston 3S lb Los Angeles.
37 lMfm Brownsville 70- Louisville 66' 46 0 2 Butlalo 33 03'" Memohis 71 -5? 107 60 Burlington Vt 21 05 Midland Odessa 58 SO S9 00 0 Miiwoukee 34- Jl 0O 56 i Charleston Sc 75 62 MBis Si. Pom 30 71 il S6 Charleston WV 66 39 0 35 Nashville 6 0.45 53 Cheyenne 3 001 New Orleans 61 57 Chicago i37 32 0.10 New York 36 26 S3 C'cinati 63 37 0.49 si 49 3 0.OJ Cleveland 54 29 0.07 North Piotte 27 17. 0.02 5 Columbia SC 50 Okiohoma City o. 38 67 Columbus Oh 60 31 0.JI Omoha 25 19 0.01 58 -r Oallas Ft. Worth 77 59 Philodelohio J4 31 0 02 50 Oovton 61 33,0.31 PhOni 58 39 64 34 II Pittsburgh 50 28 9.11 58 Des Moinet 34-.
21 0.01 Portland Me 29 09 $4 Oelro i.r.-. V. 3 27 0.23 Portlohd Or 33 21 121 57 Duluth 24 21 0.16 S3 40 0.02 53 El Poso. 52 r44 31 13 0.02 Fairbanks 04 00 0.15 Reno 16 4)7 Fargo. IS 09 46 39 0.08 Flogstalt 34 IS 1.04 St.
Ltuis 48 35 Oreot Foils 33 13 SottLokeCitv" 31 13 27 Hartford. 32 21 SonAntonio. 78 S4 0.02 31 32 72 Son Diego 43 43 Honolulu 78 Son Froncisco 51 41 59 Houston Ji- '7 68 St Ste Morie IS 0.37 35 0.01 ndionooolis; 61 38 0.40 Seattle 43 34 0 03 31 0.13 Jackson Ms 81 65 Shrtveoort 7S 68 1.01 12 Juneou 38 33 0.16 Sioun Falls 21 "17 0.11 Qota Ire Showar Stotionory Ocdudto1 mmmi sss; International NATIONAL WfAIHER SEt VtCf NOAA US O.Dl ol C0tr(f i. lpm lpm 3pm 2Bm lpm lpm lpm lpm lpm Aberdeen Amsterdam Ankara Athens Beirut Berlin Birmingham Brussels Copenhagen Dublin Geneve a. National Albany 71 Albuaueraue 42 Amarillo 48 39.
28 39 61 44 30 34 36 32 36 39 34 63 43 Nation's weather Rain and snow covered the Northeast today from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Coast. Snow was also expected to continue in the Northwest People in the Southwest should have a warm Christmas, Asheville 7 43 43 Atlanta 72 torn today but should not mar good weather picture for the holiday in Florida. Hong Kong 8pm Lisbon Billings noon home for holiday PLAINS, President and Mrs. Carter celebrated an old-fashioned Christmas today with their relatives, beginning with an exchange of gifts. The Carters gave 11-year-old Amy what she asked for: a football autographed by San Francisco running back O.J.
Simpson. Amy had several other presents under the family tree, including the best-selling fantasy novel, "Lord of the Rings," by J.R.R. Tolkein; a which she explained to her parents was a quilted sleeveless dress, and snorkel- ing gear to use when she vacations on Guadaloupe early next month while her father attends a four-nation summit. As is traditional, the first family planned to drive to the "Pond House," where the president's mother, 80-year-old Lillian," was providing the customary breakfast of biscuits, scrambled eggs, sausage and grits. The president's brother, Billy, stocked his mother's pond with trout as his Christmas present.
The Carters were having Christmas dinner at the home of Rosalynn's 73-, year-old mother, "Miss Allie" Smith. As usual, the menu included turkey with cornbread dressing, giblet gravy, cranberry sauce and the president's favorite Japanese fruitcake. V--. 3 FOR GUYS AND GALS AP photo Racing oil firo AFTim CHRISTMAS up over 150 firemen battling to get the blaze A cussive enic! oil ftors9 UtrJc.burnl itsxr Eston The fire forced the Christmas Eve. evacuation of hundreds of jpeople living near the oil tank farm and tied under control.
Vonec returns OKiiiv-lianded WASHINGTON (AP) Secretary of State Cyras GAL'S FAMOUS MAKER ORIGINALLY 1 0 to 6 FOR HOME DELIVERY OF YOUR TAMPA TIMES CALL 272-7422 TO HAVE YOUR TAMPA TIMES DELIVERED And, vw at pnittiHv lutonkn owl ham beta MiMtl br strtnvntiM pfuaiJ72742t i THE TAMPA TIMES FuNiihed tnningi, Monday Ihitvgh Soturjoj, ant) Sunday nwnmj ky Tin TnbiiM (onpanv, ft 202 S. Porker Sttitt, Tempo, Fltridi, 33 MM, ff9ialt UUm tinml, Ik. Second dan pnlotji tod aflattiaa. fltrida. i MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY HOME DELIVERY RATES $7S dWieks 300 Weeks I7S 7iWki 11.50 52 Weeks .39.00 TRIBUNE-TIMES SUNDAY ONLY 50( par wart The Tribune oHki will attipt iiymenti fat lututt credit rite Diifrrbuter Emplovaa far peiwdi of thirteen (13) neks, twenty-iii (26) attkl tifty twe (52) weeks.
MAIL RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Week I.JJ 4 Weeks 500 HWeeks 16.25 26 Weeks' 32 SO $2 Weeks 65.00 Member of Associoted Press, Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations. The Middle East pace talks have been stalled since mid-November Vance's Mideast shuttle two weeks ago to resume the discussions was unsuccesful. The talks are the first step in an overall peace plan for the Mideast outlined in the accords drawn up at the Camp David summit in September i The issues! preventing the completion of a peace have focused on linking it to a timetable for Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gaza Strip, and whether it would supercede Egypt's defense commitments to other Arab states. Vance had flown to Brussels Saturday night from Geneva, Switzerland, where he and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko were unable to reach final agreement on a strategic arms limitation treaty after three days of talks.
Vance had said he hoped the Geneva talks would lead to the signing of an accord at a summit meeting in January between President Carter and Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev. But no such summit was announced when the latest SALT negotiations ended. Gromyko, speaking on Soviet television after he arrived in Moscow Sunday, said "definite progress" had been made in his talks with Vance "on a series of questions even on the majority of questions." ORIGINALLY 4 to J24 It Vance hat returned here from a weekend of diplomatic discussions in Europe without apparent success in prodding the Israelis and the Egyptians to resume their peace talks. Also, a strategic arms limitation agreement be-tween the United States and the Soviet Union may be-closer, but it still is not a reality.
met with Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil jn. Brussels, Belgium, for three hours Sunday in what Vance described as a "friendly and useful" conference. 1 But the meeting produced no announcement of a date, place or mechanism for resuming the stalled Egyptian-Israeli talks, which is one of the things Vance hoped to accomplish when he left on his European trip last week. "We had a useful and full exchange. The parties have agreed to report to their heads of government and will be in contact with the secretary of state to discuss their views on what the next steps should be," Vance said, reading a prepared statement after the session ended.
When Dayan arrived later in Tel Aviv, he declined -to comment specifically about the meeting, but he did say he felt a compromise could still be reached. He said he thought the Israeli Cabinet, could approve what was worked out in Brussels. "I think it is possible to bridge the gap if both sides are willing to compromise or meet each other-halfway," he said. vr" -'k'C Meanwhile, after returning to Cairo, Khalil said only that he would report today to President Anwar Sadat. 4.
'V, vv ORIGINALLY 2 to 25 99 ORIGINALLY s22 to $30 M9 ORIGINALLY $26 to J36 Santa- from page 1 "Most of those stationed here and without families are usually invited by people in the community for dinner," he added. "It makes it nice for the men." He added that the dining facilities on the base would be serving Christmas dinner for persons who' stayed on base. By the way, the jet-age Santa is Sgt. Norman J. Bidwell from the 56th security police squadron at MacDill.
ORIGINALLY s35 toJ68 I Way the I A DIVISION Of GENEtAl HOST CORMUTION 6PAK12 02. CANS I 7 OLD GUTS FAMOUS MAKER laughter of stu. MILWAUKEE LUNu SLEEVE 7N99 Forehand Insurance Agency. Ixcf TAX I (Christmas GINGER ALE, CLUB SODA, WINK OR COLLINS CANADA DRY (5)C ORIGINALLY 4 to '22 YULET1DE GREETINGS stay with-you! i niP A KH(? ICN99 run I 1 I OIK and brighten MIXERS REG. AND SUGAR FREE COMPLETE i vj all your "WE WORK f-on you" INSURANCE SERVICE 3 A 7-UPor DR.
SWEATERS ORIGINALLY 7 to to20. University Square Mall Wostshore Plaza 1 Countrysido Mall, Clearwater DbSoto Squaro Mall, Dradonton Open 10 'til 9 Visa Diners Club Mosterchorge Amencon pew I tniBUWtf-iltVJtfS JACK FREEMAN'S 2802 S. MacDill NOITHOATI CLASSIFIED WANT ADS ION I T3MIUkJM0f m.w.Qne Call Tampa 272-7500.