The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri (2025)

0000225431 The PION Toll Advertise 836-1150 News 1-800-695-1908 Saturday, A Free drive A PART oF your Leader PROFESSIONALS in OF July The 10, Adver 4-aheel Toil News 836-1150 2010 lise Free 1-800-695-1908 drive or your Leader in THE EVERYDAY! RESULTS. DELIVERS Marketing Sales 60 Marketing 60 Marketing Sales 60 SEEKING DYNAMIC INDIVIDUALS WHO CAN SELLI WE ARE HIRING, NOT LAYING OFF! ARE YOU AN ENTREPENEUR? OUTGOING COMPETITIVE PERSONABLE ENTHUSIASTIC CONSISTENT MONEY MOTIVATED WE ARE LOOKING FOR FULL- TIME. PART TIME COMMISSION SALES REPRESENTATIVES! BECOME OUR WINNING TEAM OF WHO ARE MAKING AN AVERAGE OF $500 $700 PER WEEK PLUS WE WORK AT HIGH TRAFFIC, PI RETAIL GROCERY STORES, FESTIVALS AND FAIRS WHILE REPRESENTING THE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS-LEADER WE OFFER: SOLID, CONSISTENT INCOME TRAINING PROGRAM SELLING DOOR TO COLD CALLING OR FOR CASH, TRIPS AND PART TIME CALL TODAY, START TOMORROW CALL DAVE 314-452-1006 Reliable Currently accepting applications for the following positions: Import Technician RV Sales Sales Mazda, Hyundai, Subaru Sales Pre-owned Sales Clerk Excellent benefit package great income potential! Email resume to: or visit us in person at 438 S. Ingram Mill Road Springfield, MO 65802 Chestnut 65 Hwy EOE I SALES POSITIONS Immediate Full-time Positions! EARN $29500-74900 Your first year! NEW NEW E.0.E. SHIFTS! HOURS! PROFESSIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SALES Make 2010 Your Year! Apply Today! Guaranteed Income We Pay Weekly! Most aggresive pay plan in the Springfield area! 401(k) profit sharing, Big bonuses and weekly incentives! Sell the hottest brand on the planet, Chevrolet! Highest traffic location in the Springfield area! Mentoring program to ensure your success! Fast track to management! Bilingual a plus! INSTANT INTERVIEWS Mon, Jul 12" Tue, Jul 9am 5pm Daily Reliable Battlefield Chevrolet 3655 S.

Campbell 160 Springfield, MO DRESS FOR SUCCESS NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE CONTACT PERSONNEL DEPT. LEADER I I I of at ton, 2:00 Information Clinics. (Columbia at of or of on that to to I to S. Bid fa for of time find for page to for TO on 3. including for until CLASSIFIED on for to at in to, in of of in by Lot Lot (6), For plat and sour, Page house Oilice bin 5.00 to of Four Martin Four no.

South default South South for for sell 2021, of 2021, June (4), al the p.m, in in in 836-1150 front 27, (3), 16. for (3), of at dich plat of of NOTICE and or Davis to public Recorder the and Lot secured Lot 2010, or for for Four door of all 2006 and and 2021. 2021, of, OF Four and of One of Minor by al from dich OR in and in in Deeds that or Transportation 88 Trail $5000 Sign On Bonus Team Coast to Coast Limited time offer! Call for details. 800-769-3993 ANNOUNCE IT Publie Notices 255 for Bids information bids University Missoun University Hospital Kansas City. St.

Rolla and Louis) obtained tracts may be by reviewing the University Missoun website the website Bids University the side the (under Hold cursor over UM System, Open Bids the interest informa: how obtain bidding Bidding documents are available downs load by the vendor may be subject periode addandums which vendors for are responsible during for the open period submission The University reserves the right to waive infor malities in bids and reject any or all bids The Curators of the of University Tony Hall, interim Chief Procurement Officer, UM Procurement Services ADVERTISEMENT BIDS FOR NOTICE CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals addressed the Greene County Purchasing Department, 933 N. berson, Springfield, MO 65802, for Number 10-10052 Maintenance Addition the Building Greene County Highway Department, 2065 N. Springheld, Missouri, will be received by Carol lyn Mcintosh, Director of Purchasing, Greene County, Missouri, time pm Tuesday, August 2010. at the Purchasing Depart- ment. 933 N.

Robberson, and will be publically opened and read aloud. Bids received after 2:00 pm shall be etumed unopened. Drawings, Specifications, and related contract information may be obtained from the Architect, Pelham Phillips Architects Engineers, 1111 Glenstone Springfield, MO 65804, 417-665-1672. A refundable deposit of $75.00 is required for each of set documents: mailing cost overnight shipping cost will be the responsibility of the plan: holder, The deposit will be refunded upon the return of the plans and project manual in good condition within thirty (30) days after the bid opening. Direct all project and bidding questions to Pellham-Phillips Architects Engineers, attention John Luce, 417-865- 1672, fax 417-865-2461.

The bidder understands that the Owner reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder and to reject any or all bids and or to waive any technicalities or informalities in the bidding. Dan Smith, PE, Greene County Highway Department Bids for bagged wastewater sludge removal at Ozark Correctional Center located in Fordland, MO, RFQ No. FMDC-110001, will be received by the State of MO. Ofc of Adm, DFMDC, Rm 730, Truman Bldg, 301 High St, Jefferson City, MO 65102, UNTIL Wednesday, at 2:00 p.m.. A complete copy of the RFQ may be obtained by contacting Ruth Ryals by telephone at 573-526-4135 or email Ruth.

in in as to to to to to TRUSTEE'S Dead TOLL the for Grantor to of July of out or and (100) lo at in in SALE of of Greene in of and 3, of to to all of 2:00 of of 2006 (the Lot of p.m., in a Court- in: (in the of for of to of on of of of 19 in 6 1 toy 7 Sola. 800-695-1908 in. Teacher 10 Go from jointed Cart 12 Public Notices Public Notices 255 255 Bonow 2006 recorded Book Page 035078-06 undersigned successor trustee will 9:00 between hours particularly al more the Greene County the 940 North Boonville Avenue. vendue the highest bidder (5), (4), Five Six Lots Three except North Hundred leet Kearney Street Industrial Park, the City Greene County, according the recorded plat thereol, and according tine as set out in cate Book 1855 ine Recorder's Office Page Greene County. Two Hundred eight (288) feat The East leel (36) feel the North Three Hundred and feet Four (4), Final Lurvey austral Park, a subdivision the City Greene County, Missouri, according the and according the Certificate of Apr thereof, Minor Subdivision, as set Book 1865 proval the Recorder's Office Greene Coun- More correctly as Lois Three Four (4), Five (5), and all Lot Six (6), except North One Hundred (100) feet the Kearney Street industrial Park, the City Greene County, Missouri, according recorded inereol, and according the Approval Minor as set out Subdivision, 1855 Page the Recorders Office Greene County, Missouri Eight (4), and the East sis leet (36) feet of the North Three Hundred Fifty four and Two Hundred eight (288) feet 08) feet (4), Lurvey austral Park, a subdivision Greene County, Missouri, and plat preval Miner Subdivision, Page the Recorder's the City according la the recorded according the Certificale Apas set out in Back 1855 of Greene Coun Together with all existing or erected altised improvements and fatures: all righis way, and al water rights and nights including stock with irrigation all proceeds insurance proceede), and all other and profits relating the real property, inwithout limitation all minerals, oil, gas geo thermal and similar matters.

(collectively, the performance 5. obligations Trust, pursuant R. Mo. personal property will also Real Property public All equipment, fatures, and property now hereafter NOW or hereafter attached addition, default enty, together with accessions, all replacements of such property, noluding limitation refunds premiums) lion of the Property satisfy said debt costs. of the payment debt and secured by the Deed 400 be sold together with the vendue the highest bidder other articles of personal owned by Grantor, and the Real Prop parts, and addaions all substitutions any for, together with all proceeds all insurance proceeds and any sale other disposi SMF REGISTERED SERVICES.

INC. Successor Trustee By Nicholas Zuticky, Vice President SMF REGISTERED SERVICES, INC. 1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2900 Kansas City, Missouri 64106 (816) SALE On a public sale will be held of consisting the contents of 819, C58, 004 D11 006 at A-1 SelfStorage, 2873 E. Chestnut Expressway, bin no. A14 G41 at A-1 South Self-Storage, 2915 S.

National; bin no. B11 al A-1 West Self-Storage, 1730 W. Erie; bin no. C118, D176 D182 A 2 Self-Storage, 2001 W. Catalpa; for pay: ment of past due rent and charges.

Cash payment will required at the be of time sale and all sales will be final. Sealed bids for Telecom Data Wiring tion. Statewide Contract, Proj. No. 911PW-SC will be received by FMDC, State of MO.

UNTIL 1:30 PM. The pre-bid meeting is at 10:30 AM. For specific project information and ordering plans, go to: htm. Lost Found 280 Chevrolet 1978 Stepside Mini-Monster Show truck may be repainted REPORTED STOLEN Reward $2000 1-573-368-6103 1-417-263-0313 Found: 2 Miniature Pinchers, Brentwood area. 417-882-7443.

Reach garage sale shoppers while they are in the mood to buy. Call The News-Leader Classifieds at 836-1150 today! table. garage) Steamer Vie End 1 Home on in I To 3 Lots ALLAUNT of to into color I to CAN 1 old go com Hair to up. or Cal. mo.

1 Also 10 1 did. blood 1 tamale microchipped Shols, 7-1-10. male old for com 1 2 shols. $500 puppy, or years FREE Arts Crafts Hobbies 502 Cress Ceramic Kiln 220 Vol. Perfect Condtion Accessories.

$1000 417-533-0918 Appliances 549 Refrigerator $100, 220 $25 Freezer $100 844-5646 Whirlpool dryer, 2 years old. Like new. $250. 417-759-6212 aft 4:30 pm Building Material 551 Remodel Now! Factory Direct Prefinished Unfinished Flooring New Arrival of Granite Slabs Biggest Selection EVER Vermillion Showroom 1207 S. Scenic Mon.

Fri. 8-5 417-862-3785 Furniture 571 NEW TWIN SET $120 Full $140, queen $221, bean bags 417-866-5579 FOR CLASSIFIED CALL 836-11501 571 Dogs 606 FARN GARDEN NEWS-LEADER Furniture 571 tables. Lamps. Camelback MURAS Framed seniled Edition prints Steve hanks Cash. Call 417-714-4566 Firearms 573 Check Out! Winchester 32 Special Lever action, $650.

Win. chester Super X2. 3.5 inch mag gauge 5600. Machinery Tools 578 series. 8275 cart, tanks, extra hose $275 417-831-5608 hp Treybuit Generator Pull start.

240 4 cullet extension cord. 6550W. 8550 starting walls, put handie 8 heels. $450 OBO 417-836-7731 1960 Coke Machine Caviler, glass door on left side, can or bottle style, great shape and $800 or best offer. 417-379-9174 Year Old Heavy Duty 8412 Barn Shaped Storage 5950 569 4690 ft New Civistmas tree used on time asking 5.50 417-379-9174 Sporting Goods 588 El Check Ovel Smaller Size.

7hp, Subaru engine Fast. $300 OBO 417-350-8637 Golf Carts: Gas. 2007 EZ GO. Lass than 150 rounds of golf on it. $2500 Also Elect.

Cart available 678-314-2969 or Garon 417-569-0961 Swimming Pools Hot Tubs 592 Hot tub. 2006 Marquis Hide Away spa. 110 volt, 2 person, cover, steps, Exc. new low usage. $2200 417-830-5200 Portable Hot Tub with cover, waterfall, plenty of jets.

Good condition. $950. 417-732-7076 Ticket Sales 594 Hawaii 2 round trip air fares, Leave Springfield, $199 Each 1-800-325-8816 Wanted to Buy 596 $100 $1000 CASH for autos in ANY condition. Will tow away free of charge. Jesse 417-496-8289 Need Cash? I Buy Guitars: Fender, Gibson, Martin, Gretsch Ricks 1-870-743-6748 Advertise your truck in The News-Leader 836-1150 or Toll Free 1-800-695-1908 spayed Cats 604 ENGLISH BULLDOG weeks Female LOVING 5850 kittens Special Free Needs 207-4725 (417)261-2330 BENGAL English Bulldog killensicals Puppies male $250 $500 AKC registered, Cal 417-924-4126 4 Vet females.

checked, mai: a current shots. champion raised. Facebook CFA Registered Bella's Bulldogs Asking 51500 Call Titany Exotic Long at 417-861-5568 39 Family raised mai: points. various yahoo checked worned. Paces $200 Breeding rights avan.

417-236-3701 417-452-2026 FREE Kittens. Cute Cuddly 417-521-8121 Free good indoor a Tiny Playful Gentle 4 Sweet. 7 month Black Female Spayed. Vace 4 Feline Leukemia Negalive 417-725-3455 Dogs 606 350 OFF SALE! Norwich ferners. Pomeranians, Puggles, Wishes Also Cockers, Havanese Jack Russells.

Mallese, Poodle crosses. Shellies 417-751-3374 AKC Long Haired Chihuahuas 1 Female, Male 9 Weeks Cute, family raised, lovespeople! $500 Each Call 417-796-2157 PUPPIES The American Allaunts are a large muscular mastiff type breed. Loyal and loving family dogs, excellent guardian protection, pictures see 417-425-5541 BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES Registered, males females. Black White 8 weeks old. Also: 2 year old Male Working parents.

417-649 2022 Boston Terrier! New puppies 4 weeks old, fernales. 2 males, AKC registered, Will be ready in 4 weeks. Deposits welcome. Come pick yours out today! Asking $225-275 each firm. 417-343-8349, days Boxer Puppies AKC.

Parents on site, Fawn, Brindle, Reverse Brindle, Flashy. Males, Females, 6 weeks old. Shots, wormed, vet checked. 417-725-8256 Cocker pups AKC of 2 Choc. females, Roan male.

8 weeks $150 each. 4 males 3 mo, old of all colors $125 each. AKC Husky female Blue eyes. 9 wks $300. Current shots.

Nice puppies. 417-462-7004, leave message DACHSHUNDS Miniatures. Zoe's, Dorkies Ready Now! Heidi is due soon with Registered Smooth Reds. 25 yrs exp. Let us prove you CAN buy love! 417-338-0453 Doberman Pups AKC Registered 2 Males, 2 Females Left $500.

English Bulldog Puppies ONLY 4 PUPPIES LEFTI 3 Boys and Gil. AKC register ed, hand raised and spoiled weeks old. 12 we Call Paula al Grant 417-294-2363 or mai donscritter lines Home Found: 2 Miniature Pinchers, Brentwood Found: Female Black Lab mix. Approx Looking good home. Saeel gentle dis: postion.

Vet checked. shots current. 881-6440 FOUND Springfield- Jack Russell Terrier sweet, well trained behaved male. Misses owner. identity pick up, Call 417-661-8175 Great Dane: Black with floppy ears.

Fixed shots current FREE 573-374-0335 or 573-310-6250 LAB PUPPIES AKC Chocolate area. 5 Black 4 Yellow Available July 22. Visit cummins. Asking 9 $350 OBO. Call Brock al 417-437-3330 or E-mail: brock Lost since Wired Hair Terrier Bionde White.

Small, Collar, Orark area 417-542-5060 PUG female, Fawn, 7 weeks old. No papers, parents on site. Best Offer 417-725-6640 Sheltie pups home grown. vet checked, already spoiled, adorable! First shots. registered litter.

$250 El Dorado Springs 417-876-5068 WOOF SHETLAND SHEEP DOG AKC registered, Championed Sired, Sable White, Current Shots Worming. Raised with TLC. Ready to go soon! $300 each 417-668-5763 or 588-7790 Shih-Bishon female puppies, $300. puppies. $200.

Shih Tzu males $250. Socialized, NonShedding. Shots wormed and Registered, Licensed Kennel, 736- 9754 or 425-7805 417-860-4211 Advertise your 417-987-4680 house for rent in THE NEWS-LEADER The News-Leader DELIVERS 836-1150 or Toll Free EVERYDAY! 1-800-695-1908 ge Sales Get Sell it. Results. 33 SOURCE EVERY OUT OF OF 4 INFORMATION- WEEK! ADULTS Buy it.

SPRINGFIELD'S 417-836-1150 Source: 2007 Associates Dogs 606 4-wheel NEWS executed Garage Sales 65807 526 Antiques: 5-Drawer Chest, Rocking Chair, Trunk, Wardrobe. Huffy Ladies Bike, Boy's New Bike, Autographed by Aaron Tippen during concert, Tools, Electronics. Baby, Children Adult Clothes. Shoes, Household Items, Brown Sectional Couch Recliners. 1815 1820 S.

Florence Ave. Off Sunshine block West of National. 7am-? Thurs, Fri, Sat. July 8th, 9th 10th 8am6pm 1138 W. Portland Paint, articles from attic, basement, garage, retro clothes.

4 Family Sale! MOVING SALE Sunday and Monday only! Mens and women's clothing, TV's, accent furniture, outdoor stuff, electronics, holiday decorations, and much Located at 2709 S. Grant, Springfield, MO. Sunday (9am 5pm) Monday (8am 5pm). FOR CLASSIFIED CALL 836-11501 cleans Garage Sales 65807 526 Multi-Family Garage Sale Recliner, Small Oak Kitchen Table Chairs, Music Mixing Board, Misc. Furniture, Household Goods, Kid's Items.

3388 S. Western Golden Walnut Lawn, watch for signs. Fri: 4pm. Sat: More info: 417-496-8490 Sat. July 10, 8am-2pm.

Printing Press with Type, Canning Jars, Games and Morel 3131 S. Meadowlark Garage Sales 65810 531 1192 Pheasant Run, Fri Sat 7-noon, desk, table, chairs, furniture, clothes, TVs, toys, more Garage Sales Nixa 533 HUGE GARAGE SALEI Furniture, Electronics, Watches, Old Tools Morel Saturday Sunday. 1819 Tower Circle FOR CLASSIFIED CALL 836-11501 ACA ACA Garage Sales Ozark 536 ESTATE SALE July 8, 9, 10. 308 W. Walnut, Ozark.

Elfindale Smith Hotel Items, Howard Garrison Ila Jensen Paintings, Eastlake Bedroom Parlor sets, French Parlor set, Table saw, Ben Franklin Stove, 220 Punch Bowls, Silver Tea Set, Leaded Stained Glass, French Doors, Windows, Sterling Flatware, Dining Set, Antiques, Misc. China, Silver, Brass, Glass, Primitives and Morel GARAGE SALE JULY 9th 10th Before these clothes go on eBAY: Women jeans size 12-14-16; women shoes size fabric; tools, china cabinet, toys, much morel Ozark 500 Bluestem Rd. East of Lambert's). 7 AM 6 PM. THE NEWS-LEADER CLASSIFIEDS DELIVERS EVERYDAY WOOF Shin Tau Make se-Poodle Cross Breeds Small.

raised Registered Pedigree Health guaranteed Paper training 5300 cash. Stratford 417-736-2039 cash Garage Sales 65803 513 Collector's Estate Salel Glassware, Dolls, Red Hat, Cookbooks, Craft Books Supplies, KnickKnacks, Clothes, Washer, Dryer, Refrig, Freezer. 2231 N. Franklin. Thurs to Sun.

8AM-5PM. Garage Sales 65804 516 Antiques Misc. Furniture, -Family Garage Sale in Wildwood South 2576 E. Chinkapin. DIR: Evans Rd exit off Hwy 65, west mile to Thetford, follow signs.

Fri Sat, 7am-? HUGE YARD Home decor, lots of beads, antiques, store displays. Located at 1053 S. Glenstone. July 9th and 10thFri Sat 8:00 to 5:00. FOR CLASSIFIED CALL 836-11501 TOY YORKIES FOR SALE 3 to 3.5 lbs.

Grown. Parents site. AKC registered. Up to date Payment plan available. (417)796-2336 COME Garage Sales 65619 534 TO VISIT VISITED HUGE GARAGE SALEI Fri.

Sat. July 9 10. Fabric, Household Goods Linens, Home Decor, Uniform Scrubs, Books, Movies, Etc. 5404 S. Honeysuckle, in Battlefield.

W. on Republic Rd, S. on Golden, right at McBride Elementary, follow signs. reSource QUOTE "Admit it, sportutility owners! Its shaped a little differently, but its a station wagon! And you do not drive it across rivers! You drive it across the Wal-Mart parking lot!" Dave Barry Cattle 652 40 Black Cows 4-6 years old Will calve 1st of Sept Bred to black bulls Small Dozer 6 way blade. (417)850-1726 Once Vendors: Garage Sales 65802 511 2 flat screen monitors, big mens clothes, comics, household items, books.

(Fri Sat, 8-2). 4754 W. Tarkio Friday Saturday Opening at 7 AM Hot Wheels, Jewelry, Die Cast Cars, Clothes 547 S. Dexter Thur to Sat From 7 to 4 Computer, Corner Desk, Nice Bicycles, Old Time Sewing Machine DOWNSIZING Household Goods, Electronics, Bedding, Treadmill, Clothing, Etc. 767 S.

Troy, Kay Pointe Subd. Fri. and Sat. 7am-2pm Estate Garage Sale 8 a.m-5p.m. 2549 South Pickwick.

Lots of dishes, linens, vases, furniture. Huge Moving Sale! 8x12' Cedarrdige Portable Bldg, insulated and lined; lawn mowers, furniture, tools, Harley Davidson Miami collections, TVs (no flat screens) Fri Sat 6am 4p 363 S. Westwind Dr 417-827-2000 MOVING SALEI Furniture, dishes, antiques and misc. Everything must go! 1321 Sherman Fri and Sat y. Horses 658 APHA Mare Miracle Flying Star is a registered APHA that is 15.1h.

Sold Sorrel with one White sock and is 1200 iDs. Her sire is OH Boy McCoy, aho was APHA Champion 1997. She has nice qualities and moderate temperament. Needs a great home! Serious inquires only please Offered al $650 negobabie. Call Samantha Bait at 417-699-4404.

leave message Arabian Horse FREE to Good Home Gorgeous 5 yr old chestnut. Gelding, Trained and ready to show! He Has excellent bloodline of National Champions. Could also be poten: tial endurance or trail horse. Breeder must downsize immediately and just wants someone to enjoy him. Call Shan Wilson al 417-848-3943 Advertise your motorcycle in The News-Leader Classifieds 836-1150 or Toll Free 1-800-695-1908 reSource DON'T D.I.Y WITH BABY Many homeimprove- ment projects are unsuitable for expectant mothers.

Painting exposes you to fumes as well as requires a lot of bending, stretching and climbing ladders. Any products with strong fumes should be avoided, which often means no staining or clear coating. Garage Sales All Other 539 6321 S. Farm Rd. 223 Rogersville Saturday 7-? Sunday 7-2, Antiques, furniture, glass, wooden toys, tools, bed, too much to list.

ESTATE SALE Fri. Sat. July 9 10, 8am-? Cash only, Fine Quality Antique Oak Furniture, Gallery Quality Artwork, Collectibles, Tools, 20 ft Heavy Equipment Trailer, 1977 Ranchero, 1 Ton 2 Ton Trucks, 40 ft Moving Van Trailer. 4466 W. State Hwy 76.

2 miles past Junction between Reeds Spring and Cape Fair. Salell Nice furniture, designer bags shoes, womens clothing, DVDs, appliances, crafts, Christmas tree ornaments! Preview sale Friday pml 1346 E. Highpoint St. 7:00 am Saturday. Sat Only-685 Becky St, Willard, stuff, baby, lawn, house, clothes, tools, etc.

The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri (2025)


How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Springfield News-Leader? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Springfield News-Leader cost? Placing an obituary in the Springfield News-Leader starts at $45.00.

How do I cancel my Springfield News-Leader subscription? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-695-2005. Residents living in California, Georgia, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia can cancel online by visiting their Account Management page once logged in to the website.

Where is the Springfield News-Leader located? ›

The Springfield News-Leader, located at 901 E. St. Louis St., Suite 1100, Springfield, MO 65806, is the hometown newspaper of Springfield, Missouri. It is distributed in the morning, seven days a week.

What county is Springfield, MO in? ›

Springfield is the county seat and most populous city in Greene County, Missouri. The county was established in 1833 and is named after American Revolutionary War General Nathanael Greene.

Why do newspapers charge so much for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

Do people get paid to write obituaries? ›

The estimated total pay for a Obituary Writer is $129,646 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $99,333 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

What company owns the Springfield News Leader? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How do I cancel a magazine subscription I did not order? ›

Contact the company that runs the subscription you want to cancel. If the company has instructions on how to cancel, follow those. Keep a copy of your cancellation request, along with notes about any conversations you had and how and when you canceled. Watch your bank or credit card statements.

How do I cancel my leader subscription? ›

To discuss a cancellation of either a Postal Subscription or a Pre-Paid Voucher Subscription, please contact our customer care team on 0800 953 0227 or email

What is the largest newspaper in Springfield MO? ›

Your best source of news for Springfield, Mo., and the Ozarks.

Who is the largest employer for the city of Springfield? ›

1. State of Illinois. The state of Illinois is Springfield's largest employer with about 17,800 employees. Illinois is the fifth-most populous state in the country with almost 13 million people.

Who owns Channel 10 in Springfield Missouri? ›

Owned by Mission Broadcasting, the station is operated under a shared services agreement (SSA) by Nexstar Media Group, making it sister to Nexstar's duopoly of Springfield-licensed MyNetworkTV affiliate KOZL-TV (channel 27) and Osage Beach-licensed Fox affiliate KRBK (channel 49).

What is the nickname of Springfield MO? ›

Springfield's nicknames include "Queen City of the Ozarks" and "The Birthplace of Route 66". The city has been called the "Buckle of the Bible Belt" due to its association with evangelical Christianity. The city is the headquarters for Bass Pro Shops and the adjoining Wonders of Wildlife Museum & Aquarium.

What food is Springfield, MO known for? ›

Be sure to check out world-famous Springfield-Style Cashew Chicken, the city's signature dish since its introduction more than 50 years ago. Steakhouses, seafood, sushi, burgers, crepes, pasta, pizza, barbecue and more are found throughout the city along with cuisine native to countries around the world.

What is the ethnicity of Springfield MO? ›

Race Percentage Comparison
Springfield MSAMissouri
Black or African American2.2%11.3%
American Indian and Alaska Native0.3%0.3%
5 more rows

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the local newspaper? ›

Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

Who is in charge of writing an obituary? ›

Family Members of the Deceased

The primary responsibility for writing obituaries often rests with family members. When a person passes away, the assumed responsibility for obituary writing often falls on the family. There is, of course, a good reason for this.

How much should I charge to design a obituary? ›

Average Obituary usually ranges from $1,000 to $1,500 See What Affects Pricing for details.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Lexington Herald Leader? ›

FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Lexington Herald-Leader cost? Placing an obituary in the Lexington Herald-Leader starts at $125.83.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.