Aspects of the Crucible: Voids Embrace - Chapter 3 - Schlacea (2024)

Chapter Text


Cambrius awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the small window of his room at the inn. The warmth of the previous evening's camaraderie with Khenyx and Alisi was still fresh in his mind. He sat up slowly, the bed creaking under his weight, and glanced around the modest room. It was furnished with a sturdy wooden bed, a small table, and a wardrobe that looked worn but well-maintained. The air carried a faint scent of pine, mixed with the lingering aroma of last night's dinner.

The night had been eventful, Kana's unexpected visit had thrown him off balance, and the news that the town's ruler, "Lizzie", wanted to meet him still hung in his thoughts. 'Cute,' she had said. The word was strange to him, especially after everything he'd been through.

He stretched, feeling the stiffness in his muscles from centuries of battle and the weight of his armour. Today would be a day of preparation. He instinctively reached out for the familiar weight of his armour, feeling a sense of relief as his hand brushed against the cold metal.

He shook his head, berating himself for not sleeping in his armour. The night had felt too strange, too vulnerable. Next time, he would rest with his armour on, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. It was his second skin, and he felt exposed without it.

He dressed quickly, and the familiar process of donning his armour brought him a sense of calm and focus. The metal plates clicked as they settled into place, the weight of the armour grounding him in reality. Fully armored, he felt like himself again; strong, protected, and ready for whatever this world might throw at him.

As he put on his helmet, his eyes fell upon the small table by the bed. The book he had taken from the bar the night before lay there, its cover glinting slightly in the morning light. It was the encyclopedia that had sparked so much conversation between him, Khenyx, and Alisi.

A thought crossed his mind—perhaps it would be worth continuing that discussion over breakfast. He could ask them about the book's contents, especially the map that had intrigued him. It would be an opportunity to learn more about this world, its history, and the people who inhabited it.

Stepping out of his room, he went downstairs to the common room. The morning air was filled with the scent of freshly cooked food, and the soft hum of conversation drifted from the tables.

When he entered the main hall, he spotted Khenyx and Alisi seated at a table near the window, deep in conversation. They looked up as he approached, their expressions changing from casual to surprised.

As Cambrius approached, they looked up, their expressions shifting from curiosity to mild surprise. This was the first time they had seen him fully armoured in the morning, the imposing figure of steel and iron a stark contrast to the more casual atmosphere of the inn.

Khenyx grinned, though there was a hint of amusem*nt in her eyes. "Back to the walking fortress, I see."

Cambrius gave a small nod, the movement causing the metal plates to clink softly. "I find it more... comfortable," he admitted

Alisi chuckled, shaking her head. "You're a hard one to figure out, Cambrius. Most people prefer something lighter, but you seem to thrive in that armour."

"I'm used to it, It is like my second skin" Cambrius replied, his tone serious. 'It's not just armour, It was specifically made from the very material that flows through me. It's a part of who I am. Without it, I feel... incomplete.'

He placed the book on the table, drawing their attention to it. "I thought we might continue our discussion from last night. The map, in particular, interests me. Perhaps over breakfast?"

As Cambrius settled into the chair, there was a sudden, ominous creak. Before anyone could react, the chair gave way entirely, crashing to the floor with a loud bang. The floorboards, unable to withstand the sudden weight, splintered under the strain, and Cambrius found himself sitting on the ground, surrounded by debris.

Khenyx's eyes widened in shock before she burst into laughter. "Oh no! I knew this chair wouldn't survive you, but that's a new level!"

Alisi joined in, her laughter ringing out with unrestrained amusem*nt. "Well, that's one way to make an entrance! Guess we're not going to forget this meal anytime soon."

Cambrius, feeling a mix of embarrassment and concern, tried to stand but found himself struggling with the pieces of broken chair and floor. He glanced at Thea, who was now rushing over with a look of concern and curiosity.

"Forgive me for this," Cambrius said, his voice sincere despite the awkward situation. "I did not mean to cause any damage."

As Thea approached, Cambrius reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, intricate eye eye-shaped rune. He extended it towards her with a slightly apologetic smile. "Here, take this. It's a valuable item. Keep it safe and only break it if you're in dire need. I hope it helps make up for the damage."

Thea took the rune, her eyes widening at its craftsmanship. "Thank you. I'll keep it safe, and I appreciate the gesture."

Alisi and Khenyx continued to help Cambrius up, their laughter subsiding into light-hearted chuckles. "You need to remember, Cambrius," Alisi said, giving him a hand. "You're a one-ton walking fortress. Next time, maybe try standing instead."

Cambrius grinned sheepishly as he dusted himself off. "Noted. I'll be more cautious in the future."

The group quickly moved past the incident, the mood shifting to their previous light-hearted conversation. They settled into their new spots, and Thea began to prepare their meal once more, her expression a mix of amusem*nt and gratitude for Cambrius's considerate gesture.

Cambrius was about to respond when he remembered the encounter from the night before. He decided it was time to share what had happened. "Before we delve into the book," he began, "there's something I need to tell you both."

Khenyx's eyes sparkled with interest as she leaned forward. "You still really want to dive into that dusty old thing, huh? Fine by me, as long as the food keeps coming."

Alisi and Khenyx exchanged glances, curiosity evident on their faces. Cambrius continued, recounting the strange encounter with the girl named Kana. He described her odd appearance, her exuberant personality, and most importantly, the message she delivered.

"She called herself Kana and claimed to be a messenger. She said I'm to meet someone named 'Lizzie,' who she described as the ruler of this town."

"Lizzie?" Khenyx asked, her expression shifting to one of recognition. "You sure that's what she said?"

Cambrius nodded. "That's what she called her. She mentioned the meeting would take place this afternoon at the castle on the volcano."

A knowing smile spread across Alisi's face. "Oh, that's rich. 'Lizzie' is just a nickname. The real name is Lyzethra. what you said makes sense now."

Khenyx's eyes widened with realization, and she let out a low whistle. "Miss Lyzethra… the ruler of Hyzethra. She's no ordinary Mamono. She's a Balrog and a powerful one at that."

Cambrius felt intrigued at the mention of a Balrog. The only Balrogs he knew of were Bayle the dread and his ilk, they were beings of fire and shadow, powerful and destructive. "A Balrog?" he echoed.

Alisi nodded, her expression more serious now. "Yes, but Lyzethra is not what you think she is. She's powerful, no doubt about that, but she's not the kind you've heard to be all doom and gloom. She, like most balrogs, have a... different approach to ruling."

Khenyx chuckled, leaning back in her chair. "You could say she's got a flair for fashion. Dresses up like she's stepping out onto some fancy stage every day. You'll see what I mean when you meet her."

Cambrius's mind raced as he tried to reconcile the image of a Balrog with the description of a fashion-conscious ruler. "And she chose to meet with me because… she found me 'cute'?"

Khenyx smirked, amused by his confusion. "Sounds about right. Lyzethra has a thing for interesting people, and you, Cambrius, are that."

Alisi added, "She's also got a personality that's… well, it's something. She's what you might call a Gyaru.

"I'm sorry but I am not familiar with the term... Gyaru?" Cambrius asked curiously

A Gyaru is someone who Loves dressing up, doing her makeup, and having childish fun I guess. She might be a Balrog, but she's got a vibe that's more about having a good time than causing destruction."

Cambrius absorbed this information, feeling a mix of curiosity and caution. "So, I'm meeting a powerful Balrog who's also… a so-called gyaru?"

Khenyx nodded, a grin spreading across her face. "Yep, pretty much. But don't let the fashion and fun fool you, she's got serious power behind that style."

Alisi chuckled, waving over to Thea to order their meals. "You know, most people would be more concerned about meeting the ruler of the town today. But not you, huh?"

Cambrius couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Well, I'm used to constantly being summoned by persons of importance, it's not every day you get summoned by a Balrog that likes to dress. I'll admit, I'm curious to see what this meeting will be like."

Their conversation continued as they were about to discuss the book and the map within it. Thea, the innkeeper, was bustling about the room, serving the other patrons with practised efficiency. Cambrius noted that she seemed to be the only one running the inn, her movements quick and precise as she handled the morning rush.

Khenyx noticed his gaze and leaned in, lowering her voice slightly. "Thea's a tough one. She runs this place all by herself, and she does a damn good job of it."

Alisi nodded in agreement. "She's been doing it for years, ever since her master died. It's impressive."

Cambrius watched Thea for a moment longer, admiring her dedication and strength. Later for dinner, he would ask her if he could help but for not he had matters to attend to. Still, It was a reminder that even in this world, there were those who bore heavy burdens, just as he did.

They let the matter rest as Cambrius's gaze shifted to the map laid out on the table. It was detailed, showing various regions, cities, and landmarks. His eyes fell on a name that piqued his interest: Lescatie, a city not far from Hyzethra.

"What can you tell me about this place, Lescatie?" Cambrius asked, his voice thoughtful.

Khenyx and Alisi exchanged glances, their expressions growing serious. Khenyx was the first to speak. "Lescatie is an Order city," she said, her tone cautious. "But it's not a place you should consider going to."

"Why not?" Cambrius inquired, his brow furrowing.

Alisi leaned in, pointing to the map. "Druella, one of the Demon Lord's daughters, is preparing to invade Lescatie with her Mamono army. The Order is on high alert, and they won't hesitate to kill anyone they see as a threat."

Khenyx nodded, adding, "And with you looking like an Order knight, well… let's just say neither side would be too friendly. Druella's forces might mistake you for an enemy, and the Order would likely try to kill you on sight, though they might have second thoughts. And I doubt you would lose to any that the order can throw at you! Although you probably would have some problems."

Cambrius absorbed the information about Lescatie with keen interest. His eyes narrowed as he studied the map, noting the city's strategic importance and the potential risks involved. Lescatie's proximity to Hyzethra made it a significant point of interest, especially given the tensions and conflicts brewing in the region. The strategic significance of Lescatie was undeniable, but it was the personal resonance of the city that stirred his mind more profoundly.

One of his most haunting memories was the genocide of the Hornsent, a massacre he had been a part of during his time as an Erdtree knight. He was one of the few along with Godfrey permitted to go two and fro after Marika had cut off the connection of the land of shadow to the lands between. After being cast out by the Golden Order, like Devonia he had also sought forbidden knowledge, desperate to uncover the secrets hidden from the world. His journey led him down a dark path, where he learned not only the ancient and beneficial magics but also those of a more sinister nature. The Hornsent genocide was one of the most egregious acts he had committed under the Golden Order but was only one of many that had left an indelible mark on his soul.

The Golden Order's rejection had pushed him into the arms of darker forces, and in his quest for forbidden knowledge, he had paid a price far beyond mere physical suffering, with knowledge that should never have been uncovered. Yet, one particular form of magic stood out among the rest, a dark and malevolent force he loathed to contemplate. It was a power that had fed his thirst for secrets and had driven him further into darkness, even as he had tried to distance himself from it.

Cambrius had inherited many forms of magic, both good and evil, and while some had offered paths to healing and understanding, others had tainted his soul. Yet, one particular form of magic stood out among the rest, a dark and malevolent force he loathed to contemplate. It was a power that had fed his thirst for secrets and had driven him further into darkness, even as he had tried to distance himself from it.

The thirst for knowledge and the accumulation of secrets that shouldn't be known had become a driving force in his life. Even now, as he sought redemption and understanding in this new world, the allure of hidden truths and the secrets of forbidden magics remained a temptation he struggled to suppress.

The thought of Lescatie's vast archives and the possibility of uncovering more about this world's history and magic was tantalizing. It was a chance to confront his past, to seek answers, and perhaps, to find a way to atone for the darkness he had wrought. But Cambrius knew that this journey to Lescatie was not just about discovering new truths; it was also about grappling with the shadows of his past and the ever-present thirst for knowledge that had led him down such a treacherous path.

"I see," he murmured, his voice low. "Then it's a place to avoid, at least for now."

Khenyx reached over and tapped the map near Hyzethra. "Hyzethra is the Axis Mundi of this continent, Stick around here. You'll find plenty of opportunities without having to risk your neck in a warzone."

Cambrius nodded, though his thoughts were already churning with the possibilities. Knowledge was power, and understanding the lay of the land was crucial for his survival in this world. The map held many secrets, and he intended to uncover as many of them as possible.

However, as the conversation continued and the morning passed, Cambrius couldn't shake the thought of Lescatie from his mind. Despite the warnings, the city's proximity and the promise of knowledge about the ongoing war intrigued him. It could be dangerous, but it could also provide crucial information and insight into the conflict between the Order and the Mamono.

He was torn. On one hand, he had committed Khenyx and Alisi, and their advice was based on their own experiences and understanding of the world. To disregard their warnings would mean betraying their trust and risking his safety. On the other hand, the lure of Lescatie's vast libraries and the chance to delve deeper into the world's history and magic was compelling. It was a chance to confront his past, seek redemption, and maybe even help fix this world, something he couldn't easily ignore.

Cambrius wrestled with this inner turmoil, knowing that his decision could have far-reaching consequences. He valued the bonds he was forming with Khenyx and Alisi, and the thought of going against their word weighed heavily on him. They had become more than just companions, they were allies, Friends even. The notion of leaving them behind, even temporarily, was a source of inner conflict.

As he sat there, the weight of his decision felt like a tangible burden. Cambrius wanted to help everyone in this world, to bridge the gap between Mamono and humans. He imagined a world where peace could be achieved, where the conflicts and misunderstandings between the two sides could be resolved. To accomplish this, he needed to make connections with as many people as possible and gain the trust and support of those in positions of power. His ultimate goal was to find a way to end the war, to ensure the safety and well-being of Khenyx, Alisi, Thea and all the other Mamono he had met.

His feelings for Khenyx and Alisi, though small and nascent, were a testament to how deeply he was beginning to care. The companionship he had with them was something he wasn't used to, having had interaction with only a few females in his past besides a few notable figures like Siluria, Lannseax, Fortissax (Under the guide of Fia) and Florissax. The two of their presence was a comforting anchor in this tumultuous world, and the thought of their safety and happiness added another layer of motivation to his quest.

Despite his resolve to explore Lescatie, he knew that he must tread carefully.

He knew he was powerful; his pride as a Crucible Knight told him so. But he shouldn't be so brash, not in a world as complex and volatile as this one. His strength was undeniable, a product of countless battles and the trials of his past. Yet, strength alone was not enough to navigate the delicate web of politics and allegiances that shaped this new world.

Cambrius understood that power could be as much a burden as it was a blessing. His abilities, forged in the fires of the crucible and tempered by Godfrey, the constant battles he had faced and the harsh realities of the lands between, gave him an edge, but they also drew attention. The wrong kind of attention could lead to conflict, misunderstandings, and more danger than he was prepared to handle.

In the Lands Between, where his size and strength were accommodated by the environment, he had learned to command respect and maintain an aura of authority. But here, the world was different. Nobody knew of his position as a Crucible knight. the constraints of his new surroundings and the unpredictable nature of its denizens required a more nuanced approach. His imposing presence and formidable power needed to be tempered with caution and diplomacy.

Cambrius had seen too many warriors with prideful arrogance fall victim to their hubris. They believed their strength alone could carve their path through any obstacle, only to be undone by their overconfidence. He had learned this lesson the hard way and was determined not to repeat past mistakes.

As he contemplated the road ahead, he knew that to truly make a difference, he needed to navigate this world with more than just brute force. He needed to engage with its people, understand their motivations, and earn their trust. His journey to Lescatie, while fraught with danger, was an opportunity to gather valuable insights and build connections that could be pivotal in his quest to bridge the divide between Mamono and humans.

Cambrius resolved to approach his mission with a measured approach. His strength was a tool, but it had to be wielded wisely. He would balance his formidable presence with tact and diplomacy, ensuring that his actions did not alienate those he sought to ally with. His ultimate goal was to contribute to a world where peace was possible, where the scars of the past could be healed, and where the future could be shaped by understanding rather than conflict.

For now, though, Cambrius decided to play along and enjoy the present moment. The day stretched ahead, full of potential and uncertainty, as he prepared to meet the ruler of this strange and intriguing town. His interactions with the high-ranking individuals in the palace could provide crucial leverage in his mission to bridge the gap between Mamono and humans. He needed to gather intelligence, build alliances, and prepare for the challenges ahead. As he steeled himself for the journey that lay ahead, he hoped that his actions would eventually lead to a better future for everyone, a future where the wounds of the past could be healed, and peace could prevail. And with each passing moment, he steeled himself for the journey that lay ahead, knowing that it was a path he had chosen to walk alone, for now at least.

And with that thought, the day stretched ahead, full of potential and uncertainty, as Cambrius prepared to meet the ruler of this strange and intriguing town.

The sun dipped low in the sky, casting long, fiery shadows over the volcanic landscape as Cambrius and Khenyx began their trek toward the castle. The air was thick with heat, and the ground beneath their feet crackled with the remnants of ancient volcanic activity. Each step they took seemed to stir up small plumes of ash and sulfur.

Cambrius turned to Khenyx and Alisi, who had been their companions up to this point. "I'm to meet the ruler of this land. Khenyx, would you accompany me? Alisi, I understand you have other obligations."

Alisi nodded with a hint of reluctance. "I would join you if I could, Cambrius. But I do have my job as a gate guard. Khenyx will be helpful, I'm sure."

Khenyx's eyes glinted with a mixture of enthusiasm and mischief. "Looks like it's just you and me then. Lead the way, big guy. I've been itching for a good hike."

Cambrius nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Very well. Let's get moving."

The journey to the castle was more challenging than Cambrius had anticipated. The terrain was rugged and uneven, with jagged rocks and fissures dotting the landscape. As they ascended the slope leading to the castle, the temperature seemed to rise steadily. The heat became almost palpable, radiating from the volcanic rock and mingling with the acrid scent of sulfur.

Despite the growing intensity of the heat, Cambrius remained composed. His armour, while sturdy and well-crafted, would be incredibly hot. Though he wasn't all that affected. Yet, he couldn't ignore the growing discomfort. The heat was beginning to affect him in subtle ways. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and he could feel an odd sensation of warmth pooling around his nether regions. His heart rate increased, albeit slowly as the temperature climbed, but he maintained his steely appearance.

Khenyx, on the other hand, seemed almost unfazed by the rising heat. Her fur and skin, dark as the volcanic rock itself, appeared to absorb the heat rather than reflect it. She moved with a fluid grace, her eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. "You're looking a bit warm there, Cambrius. Not used to this kind of heat?"

Cambrius nodded his head slightly, 'This place is like MT Gelmir... Without the snake men, probably for the better.' Cambrius thought. "I've faced extreme conditions before. The heat here is intense, although it is not unbearable."

Khenyx grinned. "Well, you're about to get a taste of what it's like to be in the heart of a volcano. Just imagine how it feels beside Miss Lyzethra. I hear it's like standing next to lava."

Cambrius chuckled despite himself. "I'll take your word for it."

As they continued their ascent, the landscape around them grew even more harsh and dramatic. The volcanic terrain gave way to rivers of molten lava and steaming fissures that erupted with occasional bursts of fiery steam. The ground seemed to pulse with an almost malevolent heat, and the sky above was a roiling cauldron of orange and red hues, streaked with the occasional plume of ash.

Despite the overwhelming intensity of the volcanic landscape, Cambrius was struck by a curious contradiction. The road they followed, though etched into the rugged terrain, retained an unexpected cleanliness. The path itself was remarkably free of debris, with the occasional ash swept aside as though by invisible hands. It was as if the road was meticulously maintained, a testament to the care taken by those who resided in this fiery domain.

Along the edges of the path, amidst the volcanic rock and lava flows, Cambrius and Khenyx found a surprising display of charm and whimsy. Small, ornate rabbit-shaped lanterns hung from delicate chains attached to the rocky outcroppings, their soft, golden light flickering like fireflies against the harsh backdrop of the fiery landscape. These lanterns, though simple in design, added a warm glow to the surroundings, casting playful shadows that danced on the rocks.

In addition to the lanterns, there were unexpected touches of decoration that stood out amidst the otherwise stark environment. Brightly coloured banners, adorned with intricate patterns and motifs, fluttered gently in the heat-driven wind. Their vibrant hues of pink and sparkling silver provided a striking contrast against the dark, volcanic terrain. It was as though someone had taken great care to infuse a sense of beauty and order into an otherwise brutal and unyielding landscape.

Cambrius noticed that even the edges of the road were lined with meticulously arranged stones and small, flourishing plants that seemed almost out of place. These plants, resilient and hardy, were adorned with delicate, brightly coloured flowers that defied the harsh conditions. Their presence added an unexpected touch of life and vibrancy,

reminding Cambrius of the delicate balance between beauty and harshness in this volcanic realm.

Khenyx's keen eyes caught the same details. She couldn't help but let out a low whistle of admiration. "What can I say? Lyzethra likes her roads cute."

Cambrius nodded, his gaze sweeping over the unexpected beauty that punctuated their arduous journey. "It's a curious contrast. Even in the heart of such a relentless environment, there is an effort to bring some semblance of beauty and cuteness."

Cambrius's long strides and powerful build allowed him to navigate the challenging terrain with relative ease, but the heat made each step more laborious. His thoughts began to drift toward the upcoming meeting with Lord Lyzethra. The weight of the upcoming encounter added to his internal pressure.

Khenyx, ever the observant companion, noticed Cambrius's growing discomfort. "You're not looking too good, Cambrius. Maybe we should take a short break before pushing on."

Cambrius nodded, grateful for the pause. They found a small outcropping of rock that offered some respite from the worst of the heat. As they rested, Cambrius took a moment to adjust his armour. The heat had begun to affect him more noticeably now. His armour felt heavier, and the heat seemed to seep through. 'I hate volcanoes.' Cambrius thought

As they pressed onward, the oppressive heat continued to mount, radiating from the lava flows and the seething fissures that framed their path. The air was thick with the acrid scent of sulfur and the occasional burst of steam. Despite his considerable endurance, Cambrius couldn't ignore the subtle effects of the temperature on his body. He felt a bit off, his skin prickling with an odd sensation that he couldn't quite place.

Khenyx, trudging beside him, seemed to be faring somewhat differently. Her usually fierce and dominant personality was now tinged with a subtle restlessness. She shifted her weight occasionally and her breaths came with a slight hitch, each one slightly more ragged than the last. Cambrius, while trying to maintain his focus on the journey ahead, couldn't help but notice these small changes in her behaviour.

Khenyx glanced at him with a mix of concern and amusem*nt. "You're handling it better than most would. Most men would immediately try to pounce on any Mamono, and the Mamono would want to pounce on the men. The heat can be pretty unforgiving here. Just don't let it get the best of you."

Cambrius, ever the observant knight, noted the slight flush in Khenyx's cheeks and the subtle way her eyes sparkled with a fiery intensity. The way she was shifting her stance as if trying to stay composed, didn't escape his notice either. He didn't mention it, though. There were certain things better left unsaid, and Khenyx's growing heat was one of them. Besides, commenting on it might lead to some awkward conversation or, worse, might make him the target of her fiery lust.

In his mind, he mused wryly, Ah, the heat of battle-or, in this case, the animalistic heat. Not the kind of heat I'm used to, but I suppose every individual has their version of "heated" situations.

Khenyx's gaze flicked over to him again, and she forced a chuckle. "You know, I half expected you to start sweating like a roast in an oven."

Cambrius managed a dry smile. "It's a different kind of battle, but one I'm familiar with. Just another challenge to face. Besides, I've fought with dragons and traversed more treacherous lands. I'm sure I can handle a bit of heat."

Khenyx snorted, her laughter betraying a hint of the discomfort she was trying to mask. "You're not wrong. I'm trying to keep myself in check, but it's not easy."

He glanced sideways at her, noting how she was trying to keep her composure. 'She looks like she's about to just pounce on me' Cambrius's inner dialogue turned more reflective. I suppose even the most formidable warrior has her limits. Makes me wonder if my discomfort is nothing compared to what she's going through.

He cleared his throat, shifting the conversation to something less personal. "So, what's your take on the palace ahead? Any insights on what we should expect?"

As they pressed on, the volcanic landscape grew even more dramatic. Lava flows and steaming fissures crisscrossed the path, and the sky above churned with fiery hues. The heat was stifling, pressing down on Cambrius with an almost physical weight. His armour, though designed to endure, was now drenched in sweat. Despite this, he continued with a steely determination, though he couldn't ignore the odd sensations rippling through him.

Khenyx, meanwhile, seemed to be battling her internal struggle. Her movements were more restless, and her breath came in deeper, more deliberate pulls. Cambrius noted the way her eyes occasionally flicked toward him with a strained intensity, a subtle hint of the heat affecting her in a distinctly personal manner.

With a mix of concern and amusem*nt, Khenyx said, "You're handling it better than most would. Most men would be overwhelmed, and the Mamono would be just as affected. The heat's unforgiving, but you seem to be keeping it together."

Cambrius managed a wry smile. "It's just another challenge. I've faced many harsh conditions before. This is just... different."

Khenyx laughed, though it had an edge of strained control. "For someone so composed, you're quite resilient. I thought you'd be more on edge by now. I'm doing my best to keep my heat in check, but it's not easy with this environment."

Cambrius's inner dialogue took a humorous turn. The heat of battle—now there's a new one. I suppose this is a different kind of test altogether. Hellhounds and their unique challenges. Let's see how she handles it while we keep moving.

He cleared his throat, trying to redirect the conversation. "What's your take on the castle ahead? Any insights on what we should expect?"

Khenyx took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the horizon. "She might act all cutesy and childish, but Lord Lyzethra rules with a sharp mind and a commanding presence. She's not one to be underestimated. Keep your wits about you."

Cambrius nodded, appreciating the advice. Political intrigue and a powerful Lord, are just what I need to make things interesting. At least I won't have to worry about the heat of battle from her end. just the heat of her presence... maybe.

They continued their ascent, the volcanic heat pressing around them, yet the road maintained an odd elegance. Despite the harsh surroundings, whimsical touches like flowering plants and colourful stones adorned the path, creating a surreal contrast to the brutal environment. The heat, though fierce, was tempered by these decorative elements, making their journey oddly pleasant.

As they neared the castle gates, Cambrius felt the temperature rise to the point it was annoying him. The sensation of warmth was almost oppressive. Yet, he pressed on, determined to see the meeting through. Khenyx's presence was a steadying influence, her casual demeanour a stark contrast to the subsiding yet still oppressive heat, though she was still in heat so best to be careful.

Finally, they reached the castle gates, towering and imposing. The heat from the surrounding landscape seemed to converge at the entrance, creating a wall of blistering warmth. Kikimora maids, their fluffy features unaffected by the heat, greeted them.

"Greetings, honoured guests," one of the maids said, her voice smooth and welcoming. "Please, follow me. You may wait in the waiting room until Miss Lyzethra is ready to see you."

Cambrius inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Thank you. We shall wait."

As they followed the maid through the grand hallways, Cambrius's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The opulent interior of the castle was a stark contrast to the harsh volcanic landscape outside, though the heat still seemed to seep through the walls. It wasn't the grandeur of the castle as it was a usual sight to him, it was the upcoming meeting with Lord Lyzethra that dominated his thoughts.

In the waiting room, Cambrius stood tall, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the delicate furnishings. His massive frame dwarfed the intricately carved chairs and tables, their elegance seeming almost fragile in comparison. He placed his shield on his back, its polished surface gleaming even in the subdued light of the room. Holding his sword in a sword-plant pose, he rested his hands on the end of the handle, the tip of the blade firmly planted into the ground before him. The stance was both respectful and assertive, a silent declaration of readiness and strength.

As Cambrius surveyed the room, he couldn't help but notice the glances from the Kikimora maids who bustled about. Their eyes widened in surprise, a usual reaction of this world's populace that seemed to stem from his massive size and imposing presence. He caught snippets of their whispered conversations, their animalistic features twitching with curiosity.

Khenyx, ever at ease, lounged in a corner with a nonchalant air. Her eyes, despite their usual playful glint, were now darting around the room with an almost analytical curiosity. She was taking in every detail, her ears twitching at the faint sounds of the maids' whispers.

Cambrius's thoughts were a whirl of strategy and respect. 'First impressions are crucial.'

He shifted slightly, adjusting his stance to ensure that his imposing presence was not mistaken for arrogance but rather as a testament to his commitment and strength. Let them see not just a knight, but the unwavering resolve of a Crucible warrior.

Khenyx broke the silence with a soft chuckle, her gaze still roving the room. "You know, Cambrius, you've got quite the aura. I think you've managed to both intimidate and interest every maid in here."

Cambrius glanced at her, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I hope that's not a problem. I'm here to make an impression, after all. Though I doubt they're accustomed to seeing someone of my... stature."

Khenyx's eyes gleamed with mischief. "Oh, I think they're more intrigued than intimidated. Just don't let that impressiveness go to your head. We're here to meet Lord Lyzethra, not to be the centre of the room's entertainment."

As the minutes ticked by, Cambrius continued to mentally prepare for the forthcoming encounter. The heat of the castle, though less intense than the volcanic landscape outside, was still a constant reminder of the unusual circ*mstances.

Cambrius's internal focus was on the upcoming meeting. He knew that Lord Lyzethra was not just any ruler; she commanded immense respect and her help could be incredibly helpful for his mission. He resolved to balance humility with the clear articulation of his intentions.

He glanced at Khenyx, who was idly inspecting a decorative vase. The faint, playful smirk on her face did little to conceal her fascination with the room's decor.

"You know," Cambrius said, breaking the silence with a hint of humour, "I'm somewhat glad you're here. Your company makes this waiting less tedious."

Khenyx's ears perked up, her smirk widening. "Glad to help, big guy. Though if you're hoping for a pep talk, I'm afraid you're on your own. I don't do inspirational speeches."

Cambrius chuckled softly. "I'll take what I can get. Though I'm starting to think I might need more than just your company to navigate this meeting."

Khenyx shrugged nonchalantly. "Just don't expect me to be polite if things go sideways. I'm here to back you up, not to play diplomat."

Cambrius nodded thoughtfully. "Noted. I'll keep that in mind. In the meantime, let's focus on presenting ourselves with dignity and respect. Lord Lyzethra's favour might very well hinge on our first impression."

As Cambrius continued to mentally prepare for the meeting, he noted the rising heat of the castle, a reminder of the unusual circ*mstances. He drew upon his experience as a diplomat, recalling the importance of clear communication and tact. His skills had served him well in many negotiations and confrontations, and he hoped they would prove useful here as well.

The minutes ticked by slowly, each second an opportunity to refine his approach. The heat, though less intense than the volcanic landscape outside, was a constant reminder of the challenges he faced. With Khenyx's calm presence beside him, Cambrius steeled himself, determined to face the forthcoming encounter with the honour and courage befitting a knight of the Crucible.

Just then Cambrius heard soft steps pattering, and the door to the waiting room creaked open. Kana, the girl from the night who had delivered the message, bounded in. Her playful demeanour and youthful energy were evident in her every move.

"Hey there!" Kana chirped, her voice brimming with excitement. "Miss Lyzethra is almost here. You might want to get ready. She doesn't like to be kept waiting!"

Cambrius straightened his posture, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips as he regarded Kana's spirited approach. "Thank you for the update. We'll make sure to be ready."

Kana gave him an enthusiastic thumbs-up. "Great! I'll let her know you're all set. Try not to look too intimidating, okay? She can be a bit... unpredictable."

With a final wink, Kana bounced out of the room, leaving Cambrius and Khenyx to prepare for the impending meeting. Cambrius turned to Khenyx, his expression serious but his eyes reflecting a hint of humour.

"Well, it seems our wait is almost over. Let's make sure we give a good impression."

Khenyx returned his look with a smirk and a mock salute. "Got it. And remember, if things get a bit wild, just roll with it. At least it'll be interesting."

Cambrius chuckled softly. "Indeed. Try not to mess up."

Khenyx heartily chuckled "Will do."

With their resolve firm, Cambrius and Khenyx prepared for the imminent encounter. The weight of the upcoming meeting loomed large, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


*"Oh, what have we here? Very well, let us both learn together. Heresy is not native to the world; it is but a contrivance. All things can be conjoined.

What's this?


We will meet again... I know it... Ahh!"

"I pray we shall. Old turtle..."



Cambrius and Khenyx entered the grand throne room, the oppressive heat from the volcanic landscape seeping through even the thick stone walls. The room was a dazzling mix of opulence, cuteness and raw elemental power, with molten lava flowing through channels carved into the walls, casting flickering orange and red hues across the chamber. The air was thick with the scent of sulfur and something sweet, almost intoxicating.

At the far end of the room, perched on a throne of black stone adorned with gilded accents, cushions and magma veins, sat Lord Lyzethra. Her appearance was striking, cream-coloured hair with magma-orange highlights flowing down her back, with the tips glowing as if they were still molten. Two large, black horns, cracked with glowing magma veins, curved majestically from her head. Her wings, large and black with smouldering patches, added to her imposing presence, while her revealing gothic attire, accentuated by magma-orange details and adorned with hearts, bunnies, and various insignias, contrasted with the raw power she exuded. The spiked choker and wristbands, along with the puffy leather off-shoulder sleeves, completed her look. Her very long tail, normally clasped in loops, seemed to pulse with latent energy, ready to ignite at any moment.

As Cambrius approached, he placed his shield on his back and held his sword in a sword-plant pose, the tip resting gently on the ground as his hands gripped the end of the handle. The Kikimora maids, who had escorted them in, glanced at Cambrius with a mixture of surprise and admiration, no doubt taken aback by his towering size and formidable presence. Khenyx, ever at ease, observed the room with a keen eye, her ears twitching as she assessed the environment.

Lyzethra's gaze immediately settled on Cambrius, her fiery eyes dancing with curiosity and something more. "Well, well, what do we have here?" she mused, her voice a playful lilt that belied the intense heat emanating from her very being. "A strange knight in my domain, and a rather impressive one at that~." Her playful eyes darted onto Khenyx, a smirk tugging at the corner of her orange lips. "And the lovely Khenyx, the renowned hellhound with a taste for the hunt. I must say, your reputation precedes you, dear."

Khenyx's ears perked up, and she returned Lyzethra's smirk with a nod of acknowledgement. "Can't say I'm surprised you've heard of me. The hunts have been good lately." She said, Pointing to Cambrius

Lyzethra chuckled, a sound that seemed to resonate with the very flames around her. "Oh! Indeed, they have. It's not often I get to meet someone who enjoys the thrill of the chase as much as I do~."

Cambrius remained composed, but his mind was racing. It's like standing in front of a living inferno, One that makes you feel quite uncomfortable in the nether regions... But stay focused. Diplomacy first, then gather what information we need. He cleared his throat, his tone respectful yet firm. "Mistress Lyzethra, it is an honour to stand before you. I come seeking knowledge and aid, and I hope that our meeting can be mutually beneficial."

Lyzethra's eyes narrowed slightly, her curiosity piqued. "Knowledge and aid? You're not here to challenge me for my throne, then?" She said it with a grin, but there was a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Not at all," Cambrius replied smoothly. "My purpose is far less combative. I seek to understand more about this town, You as its ruler, and to see if I am able to gather any information of note."

Lyzethra leaned back on her throne, her gaze never leaving Cambrius. "You're an interesting one, Cambrius. A warrior through and through, yet there's something more. I can see it through your helm, the fire that burns within, yet it's controlled, harnessed." She paused, her tail flicking slightly as if pondering her next words. "Tell me, what drives a knight like you to venture into a town like mine?"

Cambrius considered his response carefully. "I am driven by a thirst for knowledge, and my path has led me here. I believe there is much I can learn from you, Mistress Lyzethra, and I hope that you might find some value in my presence as well."

Lyzethra's expression softened slightly, though her fiery intensity remained. "You speak well, Cambrius. Most who come before me are either trembling with Lust or foolishly confident in their strength. You, however, seem to understand the balance of power and respect. I find that... intriguing."

Khenyx, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up. "He's incredibly resilient to the attractive effect we Mamono have, isn't he?"

Lyzethra laughed, a sound that echoed through the chamber. "Oh, that I have noticed. But I wonder, Cambrius, what is it that you truly seek? Knowledge, yes, but there's more to your journey, isn't there?"

Cambrius felt the weight of her gaze, knowing that this was a pivotal moment. "You're right. I seek the potential alliances that might be forged in the face of greater threats."

Lyzethra's smile faded slightly, her demeanour growing more serious. "Greater threats, you say? Interesting. And what might those be?"

Cambrius hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I would like to discuss this in private, Lord Lyzethra, if you would allow it."

Khenyx's eyes flicked to Cambrius, a look of confusion in her gaze. "You want me to leave?" she asked, her tone cautious.

Before Cambrius could respond, Lyzethra's eyes widened in amusem*nt, her playful nature returning. "Oh, I see how it is! You want to have some alone time with me, hmm? I can't say I blame you, but Khenyx can stay. I'm sure she won't mind." She winked at Khenyx, who rolled her eyes in response.

Cambrius quickly shook his head, his expression serious. "That is not my intention, Lord Lyzethra. I wish to speak of something of grave importance."

Lyzethra's eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned forward, clearly intrigued. "Oh? And here I thought you were trying to steal a private moment with me. Khenyx, you wouldn't mind stepping out, would you? Cambrius seems to think he needs some alone time with me."

Khenyx crossed her arms, looking between Cambrius and Lyzethra, her brow furrowed. "Hey! What's going on Cambrius? Do you not trust me?"

Cambrius gave her a reassuring look, his voice calm but firm. "Khenyx, please. This is something I must discuss privately. It is not what you're thinking, but it is of utmost importance."

Khenyx hesitated, clearly not pleased with the idea of leaving, but she eventually relented with a sigh. "All right, but don't take too long. I'll be right outside if you need me."

Lyzethra watched with a smirk as Khenyx left the room, closing the door behind her. Once they were alone, she turned her attention back to Cambrius, her expression playful. "You know, Cambrius, it's not every day a man asks for a private audience with me. I'm flattered. Are you sure you didn't have something more... personal in mind?"

Cambrius remained composed, though he could feel the heat of the room intensifying. "I assure you, Lord Lyzethra, my intentions are purely professional. Though I must admit, you have a way of making things... interesting."

Lyzethra chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter. "Interesting, hmm? You're quite the charmer, Cambrius. But don't worry, I won't tease you too much—at least, not unless you ask for it." She winked, her wings flickering with a playful burst of flame.

Cambrius allowed himself a smile. "I'll keep that in mind. But for now, something is pressing that I need to discuss with you."

Lyzethra's gaze sharpened as she studied him, her playful demeanour softening into something more thoughtful. "You know, Cambrius, something is intriguing about you. You're not like the men of this world."

Cambrius raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Lyzethra leaned forward, her eyes narrowing as if she were peering into his very soul. "Your essence… it's pure, yet tainted, but this taint is also pure in a different way. It's not of this world. And I've noticed that you weren't affected by my lust-amplifying aura like most beings would be. That's not something I've encountered ever."

Cambrius's surprise was evident, but he quickly regained his composure. "You are very perceptive, Miss Lyzethra."

A small, knowing smile played on Lyzethra's lips. "I've lived long enough to recognize when something—or someone—is out of the ordinary. You're an otherworlder, aren't you? Your energy doesn't resonate with the mana of this world in the usual way. It's like a flame that burns differently, one that doesn't succumb to the same winds."

Cambrius nodded slowly, still processing her words. "You're right. I come from another world, one very different from this one."

Lyzethra's expression softened further, a mix of curiosity and understanding in her eyes. "That explains a lot. I knew there was something special about you from the moment we met. It's not just your strength or your size; it's the way you carry yourself, the way your essence feels. It's… fascinating."

Cambrius couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and intrigue. "I didn't expect anyone to notice so quickly. You must be very attuned to the energies around you."

Lyzethra nodded, her playful demeanour returning but now tempered with a hint of seriousness. "Indeed. It's one of the perks of being a Balrog. We're not just creatures of flame and fury; we're deeply connected to the energies of the world. And when something foreign enters our domain, it's hard not to notice."

She leaned back slightly, her eyes narrowing with a mix of amusem*nt and curiosity. "And! You also made no effort to hide your aura! Do you realize what that means? Most Mamono can sense it. It's like a beacon telling others, 'Hey! Rare husband over here!'"

Cambrius's eyes widened slightly at her words, though unseen through his helm she had most probably sensed it. He hadn't considered the implications of his presence in this world to such a degree. "A beacon, you say?" he replied, a hint of concern creeping into his voice.

Lyzethra chuckled, clearly enjoying the moment. "Oh yes, and an obvious one at that. Your aura is distinct, potent and unmistakably different. It's no wonder Khenyx found you so easily. You practically broadcast your presence to every Mamono in the vicinity. And trust me, they're all very interested in the source of such a unique energy."

She paused, her eyes glinting with a teasing light. "You see, most men here are affected by the cursed energy and the various ways Mamono can impose it on a man, but you… you seem resilient. It's like your essence shields you from it, yet also attracts more Mamono to you, and that only makes you more enticing. The fact that you're not overwhelmed makes you a challenge, a rare and desirable prize."

Cambrius felt a mix of unease and curiosity. "I didn't realize I was drawing so much attention."

Lyzethra leaned forward, her gaze locking onto his with a playful intensity. "Oh, you are. And not just from me. You might want to be careful, Cambrius. There are plenty of Mamono out there who would be very eager to make you theirs. A rare find like you is not something we encounter every day."

Cambrius frowned slightly, considering the implications of what she was saying. "It seems I've underestimated how different I am in this world."

Lyzethra nodded, her expression softening again. "It's not just your strength or your size that makes you stand out; it's everything about you. Your essence, your energy, even your demeanour—it all sets you apart. And that's why I'm so intrigued. You're not like anyone I've ever met before~."

Cambrius's thoughts raced as he processed her words. He had been careful to maintain his composure and respect in this new world, but he hadn't anticipated how much his very presence would affect those around him. "I'll need to be more cautious," he murmured, almost to himself.

Lyzethra grinned, a spark of mischief returning to her eyes. "Or, you could just embrace it. After all, it's not every day you get to be the centre of attention for beings as powerful and fascinating as us Mamono. Who knows what opportunities might come your way?"

Cambrius considered her words carefully before speaking again. "I didn't come here to discuss my origins, but it seems my presence has already sparked your interest. Perhaps this could lead to a deeper understanding between us."

Lyzethra smiled warmly, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Perhaps it could. But I imagine that's not the only reason you sought a private audience with me. What is it that you wish to discuss, Cambrius?"

Lyzethra leaned back on her throne, her demeanour still relaxed but with a hint of curiosity. "All right, I'm listening. What's so important that it requires us to be alone?"

Cambrius took a deep breath, steadying himself. "It's about Lescatie."

Lyzethra's eyes darkened with a mixture of intrigue and something deeper as she leaned forward, her wings flaring slightly, casting a flickering glow across the room. "Lescatie... That place is steeped in power and history. But before we delve into that, Cambrius, I can't help but wonder, why speak of such grave matters in private?"

Cambrius maintained his steady gaze, unfazed by the shift in her demeanour. "It's a matter that could affect more than just this realm. I believe it's something you, as a ruler of considerable influence, would understand better than most."

Lyzethra smirked, but there was a different glint in her eye now—one that spoke of desire rather than mere curiosity. "Oh, I understand a lot of things, Cambrius. But you know, there are other ways to forge alliances and secure mutual benefits. Why not consider a more... personal arrangement?"

Cambrius raised an eyebrow, a faint idea of where she was leading. "A personal arrangement?"

Her smile broadened, and she let out a sultry laugh. "Yes, something more binding than a simple agreement. After all, you're not like the other men of this world. You've piqued my interest in ways few have. Perhaps we should discuss... something that would make our alliance unbreakable."

Cambrius hesitant of the implications this arrangement could have questioned her. "and what would this agreement be?"

Lyzethra's eyes gleamed as she leaned forward slightly. "Cambrius, I propose a duel," she declared, her voice carrying a confident, almost teasing tone.

Cambrius raised an eyebrow, surprised by the sudden challenge. His mind quickly shifted from the serious topic of Lescatie to the unexpected proposal. He had encountered many opponents in his time, but this was different—a Balrog, playful yet fierce, now standing before him with a challenge that was far from ordinary.

"You propose a duel?" Cambrius repeated, his tone even, though he couldn't hide the slight curiosity in his voice. "And what, may I ask, would be the stakes?"

Lyzethra's grin widened, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Simple. Whoever wins gets to dictate the terms of our arrangement. You're seeking something important, and so am I. Let's make it interesting."

Cambrius's gaze narrowed as he considered her words. He knew she was testing him, and perhaps more than just his strength. A duel with a Balrog was no small matter, and he could sense the underlying intent behind her playful demeanour. She wanted more than just a show of force; this was about establishing a deeper connection, a bond of sorts.

"And what would you ask of me, should you win?" Cambrius inquired, his tone cautious but respectful.

Lyzethra's wings flared slightly, the flames licking at the edges of her smouldering black wings. "Oh, that's for me to decide. But don't worry, I wouldn't ask for anything unreasonable." She paused, her expression softening with a hint of something more sincere. "Perhaps something as simple as marriage."

Cambrius was taken aback by her candidness. The stakes were indeed higher than he'd anticipated. though there was something about the challenge that intrigued him, he could go against one of this world's more powerful foes and test their strength in battle. He could sense her interest, her desire not just as a warrior but as someone who could stand alongside her.

"Very well," Cambrius finally agreed, his voice firm. "I accept your challenge, but if I win, you'll grant me the information and assistance I need regarding Lescatie."

Lyzethra's eyes glowed with desire. "Deal," she said, extending her gloved hand toward him. "But don't expect me to go easy on you, Cambrius. I have never lost a duel yet."

Cambrius clasped her hand, feeling the heat emanating from her skin, the warmth of the flames within her. "Lucky you," he replied, his gaze locking with hers, her eyes had... hearts? 'The lengths these Mamono would go for a husband warrants praise.' Cambrius thought, though slightly uneasy as a balrog was told to be one of the strongest kinds of Mamono.

With the duel agreed upon, Lyzethra gestured for him to follow, her wings flaring slightly as she turned toward a side passage. The corridor they walked through was dimly lit, the walls adorned with ancient carvings and symbols that glowed faintly in the ambient light, depicting scenes of fiery battles and powerful entities.

As they walked, the atmosphere between them was thick with anticipation. Lyzethra's playful demeanour was still present, but there was an undercurrent of something more unique an understanding that this duel would see to either his lifelong pledge to her or key information he could get from Lescatie.

As Cambrius followed Lyzethra to the duelling grounds, he couldn't help but admire her powerful presence, her fiery appendages, her perfect body and her confident stride stirring something unexpected within him. 'I wouldn't mind marrying her, wait what?'

But he quickly pushed the idea away, reminding himself of his mission and the honour he carried as a Crucible Knight. Focus, he told himself. This was no time for distractions. Yet, despite his resolve, the thought lingered at the edges of his mind.

"The duelling grounds are just ahead," Lyzetra said, her voice echoing slightly in the stone corridor. "I had them constructed ages ago, but they've been left unused for quite some time."

Cambrius glanced at her, curious. "Unused?"

Lyzetra nodded a hint of wistfulness in her tone. "Yes, I've had no real reason to use them. None of the men who've come here have struck my fancy enough to warrant such a challenge. But you, Cambrius... you're different."

They emerged into a large, open chamber, the duelling grounds. The space was vast, with smooth, obsidian floors that reflected the light of the torches lining the walls. Despite its size, the area had a sense of intimacy, as if it were a sacred place reserved for significant moments.

The grounds were well-kept, the markings on the floor still sharp and clear, though a thin layer of dust had settled on some of the surfaces, indicating its disuse. Lyzetra glanced around, her gaze softening as she took in the sight. "It's been too long since these grounds have seen a proper duel."

Cambrius looked over the area, noting the rabbit insignias embedded in the wall. 'Even in duelling halls, she manages to add a semblance of cuteness...'

Lyzetra walked to the centre of the arena, her steps confident and deliberate. "Now, Cambrius," she said, turning to face him, her wings spreading wide. "Let's see if you truly are the warrior you appear to be."

Cambrius followed her into the centre, his eyes meeting hers with unwavering resolve. The weight of the moment settled over them both, the duel looming on the horizon, a test not just of strength, but of will and purpose. Whatever the outcome, he knew this was a turning point, one that could alter the course of his journey in this new world.

As they reached the centre, Cambrius turned to face Lyzethra. His eyes met hers, a steady gaze that betrayed none of the uncertainty he felt. "Before we begin, I should warn you," he said, his voice serious, "my equipment is not made from the metal monsters use...?"

Lyzethra then understood what he meant and replied "Oh! Mamono realm silver is a special kind of metal that cuts open a being's mana instead of their flesh, resulting in non-lethal weapons that allow a Mamono to acquire a husband without harming him."

Cambrius then answered "Yes. My weapon is not made of that material and was made with the intent of killing."

"Yes, I have noticed. Though you can use your sword, It is you who shall submit to my flame!" she said playfully.

'This woman has no worries, is she that confident in her victory?' Cambrius thought, his wariness of her growing.

With a smirk that spoke of her confidence, Lyzethra conjured a sword into existence, a blazing sword made of obsidian, magma, and pure fire. The blade burned brightly, dripping with molten lava that hissed as it touched the ground. She pointed the sword at Cambrius and bellowed, "Well then, let us begin!"

'I hope that does not burn me.' Cambrius mused in jest.

Cambrius and Lyzethra stood looking at each other for a few seconds, both of you anxious about who would make the first move.

"Are you going to make a move, or are we just going to stare at each other?" Lyzethra asked impatiently, her voice tinged with amusem*nt.

"In a few" Cambrius replied jokingly

Then, Cambrius's armour creaked as he stepped forward into a quick stride towards Lyzethra

"Finally," Lyzethra said

Cambrius then slowed down, the sound of the summoning of an incantation reverberating along the battleground,*LIGHTNING SPEAR*A spear made of lightning appeared in Cambrius's hand and with a powerful throw, sent it hurling directly at her, Lyzethra was standing as she saw the lightning bolt fly at her. Acting swiftly, she twisted her torso sideways to dodge it.

"Able to control lightning? Impressive," Lyzethra remarked as she broke into a sprint towards Cambrius, her fiery sword leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. Cambrius then raised his palm to the air and summoned the incant*Discus of light*in his hand and flung it towards her in a swift, arcing motion. The disc whirled through the air, its edges glowing with a radiant light.

Lyzethra noticed it and ducked as it flew above her. "A knight able to use different kinds of magic? and one unfamiliar to this world too. You-" As she said that the discus curved back toward her like a boomerang. "Hngh!" Lyzethra grunted as she narrowly dodged the as the disc made its return pass.

Cambrius took the opportunity and was closing in, to which he then sprinted and thrust the sword at Lyzethra, She lifted her sword and redirected Cambrius's attack away from her, their swords clashing with a shower of sparks. With a fluid motion, Lyzethra shifted her weight and delivered a powerful kick to Cambrius's midsection. The force of the blow sent him skidding across the arena floor, his boots scraping against the stone with a grating noise.

'These girls have a habit of sending me backwards with their hits' Cambrius noted, grimacing as he steadied himself.

Raising his foot, Cambrius stomped down hard on the ground, causing the earth beneath them to crack and churn. The force of his stomp sent jagged stones erupting upward, like the fangs of a beast bursting from the ground. Lyzethra reacted quickly, leaping back just as a wave of molten lava shot toward Cambrius. He raised his shield just in time, the molten mass splattering against it.

"Hmm? Breaking a girl's room? Have you no feelings?" Lyzethra teased

"Oops," Cambrius responded, his tone dry.

He then summoned his tail, pivoting around and attempting to hit Lyzethra with his tail. He swung it toward Lyzethra in a wide arc. The first spin fell short, but on the second attempt, Cambrius extended his tail, the scaly length brushing against Lyzethra's sword and nearly knocking it out of her grasp. Lyzethra's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly regained her composure. Jumping back, she summoned a ball of flame in her hand and hurled it at Cambrius. He reacted with lightning speed, slamming the fireball away with the blunt side of his sword. The fireball dissipated in a burst of embers, leaving nothing but a few singed marks on his blade.

Undeterred, Lyzethra charged forward once more, her sword raised for an overhead strike. Cambrius braced himself, raising his shield to meet her attack. The impact of their clash reverberated through the arena, the force of her strike sending a jolt down his arm. But Lyzethra wasn't done. With a fierce growl, she followed up with a blazing punch aimed at Cambrius's abdomen. The blow connected, and a burning sensation spread across his body, but it wasn't the pain he expected. Instead, it was a searing, all-consuming desire that took hold of him.

Cambrius felt the burning sensation take over his mind, as he kicked Lyzethra away it kept burning at his body and mind, and he was overwhelmed with the thoughts of Lyzethra filling his mind.

"What... is this feeling?" Cambrius asked, his voice strained as he fought to maintain control over his senses.

Lyzethra's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with triumph. "Odd, Most men would strip and attempt to take me or my maids if they were hit with that. You have an incredibly strong will, and I love it!" She commented, her eyes only filling with more passion, even as she prepared to strike again.

Enough of this before it takes over my senses, Cambrius thought, his determination hardening. He raised his foot once more and stomped down with even greater force, unleashing a wave of golden energy that radiated across the air around him and through his body. The ground quaked beneath them as the energy spread out, disrupting Lyzethra's footing and forcing her back.

As the golden energy dissipated, Cambrius unfurled his massive wings, the golden feathers rustling as he prepared for his next move. With a powerful flap, he propelled himself high into the air, his sword raised high above his head. The air around him crackled with energy as he prepared for a devastating overhead strike.

Looking down at Lyzethra, Cambrius saw her expression change. Where before there had been confidence, Now there was something else, a mix of awe and desire lit up her eyes.

"f*ckkkk~" Lyzethra's voice was a mix of longing and excitement. Her tone absent of any royalty as it filled with a desire for Cambrius. From the moment he entered her domain and the moment she had sensed his presence, she had felt a spark in her, one that made her long for the man who had piqued her interest.

She had gone to his room to see for herself under the guise of a pyrow named Kana and her expectations for him weren't just matched, they were blown away, the mere presence of Cambrius had made her lust spike, staying in a room with him, (Without his armour, Mind you) had nearly made her go crazy with lust.

Yet she hadn't seen his power first-hand and so, had to control herself till the duel, and now that she was looking up at him, looking down at her as he was up in the air, He was her knight in shining armour, the one she was destined to marry, the men of this world couldn't even hold a candle to him. Cambrius was special, a man not of this world and she wanted him, she wanted him so bad she would give him all that she had for him, her kingdom, her body and her soul.

But there was one obstacle standing in her way. Khenyx, and if she assumed correctly, even Alisi, appointed leader of the salamander guard had taken a liking to him, and he had been with them longer than she had. What was she to him? A queen? A respected figure? No, she didn't want that. She wanted him to see her for what she truly was... as a woman, his wife. and as he descended on her, her only thought was...

'I'll show him.'

As Cambrius descended on Lyzethra he noticed how she stood still, her eyes closed as if waiting for the strike to hit her.

And as the attack was about to connect to her. Her eyes shot open with a blazing fury, her wings flame burned brighter than ever, her sword burning brighter than ever before and her tail unfurling and erupting into flames. Yet this fury was not one of anger, it was one of pure desire. Lyzethra sidestepped Cambrius's attack sending him past her, Her flaming tail then sprung into action, her fiery tail whipping around to grab Cambrius by the torso. The flames wrapped around him, burning hot but not painful, and she slammed him into the ground with a resounding crash. The impact sent a shockwave through the arena, the stone floor cracking beneath them.

Cambrius grunted as he was lifted into the air once more, Lyzethra preparing to deliver a powerful blow with her sword. But just as her sword descended, Cambrius summoned an incantation, his body glowing with a golden light. A powerful golden shockwave erupted from him, sending Lyzethra flying back.

Cambrius picked himself up, the incantation*WRATH OF GOLD*had saved him at that moment, But he knew it was only good for situations like that. Lyzethra, undeterred, got to her feet. She was relentless, and Cambrius knew he had to end this quickly.

Without hesitation, Cambrius lunged at Lyzethra, his sword slashing through the air with precision. But she was fast, faster than he anticipated. She dodged his attacks with an almost feline grace, her movements fluid and calculated. Each time Cambrius thought he had her, she slipped away, her fiery tail flicking out to strike at him whenever he got too close.

Lyzethra shot towards him, her blade meeting his in an explosion of fire. Finally, Cambrius saw his opening. He had aimed for this kind of embrace, where they were locking swords, one not giving the other an inch. Then Lyzethra's tail wrapped around his wrist, pulling him off balance. Before she could react Cambrius pushed his sword towards hers and yanked on her tail, pulling her towards him. Lyzethra was so close he could feel her breath through his helmet. And as he looked into Lyzethra's eyes, it had a flicker of vulnerability.

As Cambrius and Lyzethra stood locked in their fiery embrace, the heat of the battle surrounded them, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. The crackling of flames and the clash of steel had filled the air, but now there was only the sound of their heavy breathing and the quiet hiss of Lyzethra's smouldering tail.

'Time to finish this.' Cambrius thought, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to end the duel.

Summoning the power deep within him, Cambrius invoked the incantation*Greyoll's Roar*. As the distinctive sound of an incantation rang across the arena, his entire being seemed to transform. His helmet, already fearsome, began to morph, taking on the shape of a massive dragon's head. The metal contorted and twisted, forming scales and ridges until it became a monstrous visage that loomed above him, the embodiment of ancient, draconic power.

Lyzethra's eyes widened in shock as she felt the surge of energy radiating from Cambrius. Her instincts screamed at her to retreat, to shield herself, but there was no time. The elder Wyvern's head, now fully formed, opened its maw wide, and a deafening, earth-shattering roar erupted from its gaping jaws. The roar was so loud, so primal, that it shook the very foundations of the arena. The sound waves rippled through the air, distorting reality itself, and the sheer force of it drove Lyzethra to her knees.

She clasped her hands over her ears in a desperate attempt to block out the roar, but it was futile. The roar penetrated her very soul, overwhelming her senses and leaving her disoriented and vulnerable. The fiery determination that had fueled her moments before was now replaced by an all-consuming fear, her body trembling uncontrollably as the power of the legendary dragon bore down on her.

As the roar subsided, the echoes of its power still reverberating through the chamber, Lyzethra looked up, her vision swimming as she tried to focus. Through the haze of her disorientation, she saw Cambrius standing before her, his sword raised, poised to strike. The blade gleamed in the light, and for a moment, she believed her end had come.

But just as the blade was about to connect with her neck, it stopped. The force of the halted strike was enough to send a gust of wind blowing through her hair, the strands whipping sideways as the massive weapon hovered mere inches from her throat.

Cambrius's voice cut through the silence that followed, calm and composed."I win,"he declared, his tone final.

Lyzethra's heart pounded in her chest as she processed his words. She could barely hear her voice as she shakily replied, "Y-Yes..."

Her legs, still unsteady from the roar, wobbled as she tried to stand. The ground felt like it was shifting beneath her, and she struggled to maintain her balance. Cambrius, noticing her unsteady state, immediately stepped forward and offered his arm to her. His touch was gentle as he helped her to her feet, his previous ruthlessness replaced by a surprisingly soft concern.

"Aye... Sorry about that," Cambrius said, his voice tinged with genuine regret. "I had intended to weaken you, not destroy your senses."

As he spoke, Cambrius's thoughts were clouded with the memory of the incantation's immense power. 'I tried to tone down the roar as much as possible, he reflected silently, It's capable of killing a group of enemies with just a single bellow. I wanted to incapacitate her for a few seconds, just enough to secure the victory, but I think I went overboard.' The responsibility of the control of his power settled heavily on him, a reminder of the power of one of the few legendary magics.

Lyzethra, still recovering from the shock, looked up at him with wide, unfocused eyes. "W-What was t-that?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. Her mind was still reeling from the experience, the roar echoing in her thoughts like a distant thunderstorm.

Cambrius met her gaze with a calm, steady expression, though his eyes held a hint of concern. "It was the roar of a legendary dragon," he explained, his voice gentle. "I'm sorry you had to experience it like that. I put more into the roar than was needed."

Lyzethra's breath hitched at his words, the implications sinking in. "S-So it w-wasn't even at its strongest?" she asked, her voice trembling with the lingering fear and awe that the roar had instilled in her.

Cambrius shook his head, a serious look on his face. "No," he replied solemnly. "Its strongest could kill countless."

For a moment, his mind drifted back to a time long past, to an era before the Golden Order when he served under Hoarah Loux, Chieftain of the Highlanders, when the crucible was revered and before he had embraced the aspects of the crucible to become a crucible knight. It was a time of constant warfare, where strength was the only currency that mattered, and the battlefield was a place where the weak were mercilessly culled.

In those days, Cambrius had witnessed the true power of Greyoll's Roar. A power not just feared but revered. Greyoll was no ordinary dragon; she was the mother of all dragons, the progenitor of a line of wyverns that stretched across the lands like a vast shadow. Her scales were ancient, each one a testament to the aeons she had lived, and her roar was a weapon of mass destruction. It was said that when she bellowed, the very earth would tremble, and entire armies would be laid to waste in an instant.

A heavy silence settled between them, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Lyzethra swallowed hard, her body still trembling slightly as she tried to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what she had faced. Cambrius had held back, yet even his restraint had nearly overwhelmed her. It was a humbling realization, one that strengthened the desire for the warrior before her.

After what seemed like ages, Lyzethra was able to speak once more. "A-Alright," she replied, her voice still tinged with astonishment but a little more steady now. "Just... take me to the throne, and together we shall discuss Lescatie."

With a softened face, Cambrius nodded and gently carried the Balrog towards the throne room. As they strolled, the battle's tension gradually subsided and was replaced by a silent understanding between them.

Cambrius effortlessly scooped Lyzethra into his arms, holding her in a princess carry as he began the walk to the throne room. His massive frame made the task seem almost trivial, but the warmth of her body against his armour was unmistakable. Despite the layers of metal separating them, he could feel the softness of her form, and the way she nestled her head against his chest brought a peculiar mix of emotions he wasn't accustomed to.

With a softened face, Cambrius nodded and gently carried the Balrog towards the throne room. As they strolled, the battle's tension gradually subsided and was replaced by a silent understanding between them.

Lyzethra, ever the opportunist, took full advantage of the situation. "I still need to recover," she murmured softly, her voice laced with a playful tone as she nuzzled closer to him. Her head brushed against the cold metal of his breastplate, but she didn't mind. She seemed to revel in the sensation, her nostrils flaring slightly as she caught his scent. "Just a little longer, Cambrius," she whispered, her breath hot against the grooves of his armour.

Cambrius, though tempted to refuse, recognized the futility of arguing. She would likely act childish and withhold the answers he sought unless he indulged her. 'Might just be me making excuses though.'

With a resigned sigh, he continued to carry her, her weight negligible against his immense strength. The throne room loomed ahead, its grandeur almost overshadowed by the strange, almost tender, intimacy of the moment.

As they entered the room, Cambrius paused before the grand throne. Yet, instead of letting him place her down, she tightened her grip on him, her arms wrapping around his neck as she whispered, "You should sit with me. I still need to recover."

With a sigh, Cambrius obliged, carefully lowering himself onto the large throne with Lyzethra still cradled in his arms. She snuggled closer, her body fitting against his with surprising ease, and he could feel the gentle rise and fall of her breath. She nuzzled against his chest, her face pressed against the cool steel, and for a moment, all her fiery bravado seemed to melt away, replaced by a quiet contentment.

She inhaled deeply, her nose brushing against the collar of his armour. "I love your scent," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Even through the metal, it's intoxicating."

Cambrius remained silent, his mind racing with thoughts. Do I smell? This wasn't how he had envisioned the moment, but there was an undeniable comfort in her closeness, something he couldn't easily dismiss.

Lyzethra nuzzled against him, her voice soft as she asked, "Now, about Lescatie. What do you wish to know about it?"

Cambrius looked down at her, his expression serious. "How big is Lescatie for an Order city? And when is Druella beginning her takeover of it?"

Lyzethra looked up at him questioningly before answering, "It is quite big, as one would expect from the Order's second-largest city and the one that produces the most heroes."

"Heroes?" Cambrius asked, "I've been meaning to ask you about that. They're said to be the best weapon against your kind, the mamono."

Lyzethra's lips curled into a small, bitter smile. "Oh, heroes... yes. They have existed since the age before the mamono, back when we were nothing more than vicious beasts. In those days, heroes were sent to vanquish us. Even now, the theocracy of Lescatie keeps churning out these so-called 'legendary' heroes to slay us, even though our quest is one of love, not war."

"I see," Cambrius said thoughtfully, "but my question is, how are heroes made? What are their abilities? And would they pose a threat to me?"

Lyzethra laughed, the sound low and rich with amusem*nt. "Heroes? A threat to you? Ahaha! Never! Their powers are but a grain of dust compared to yours! Listen, before you say anything, heroes were created by the Chief God and her Order. They've made the training of heroes a central pillar of their strategy to combat us mamono. Typically, becoming a hero involves a combination of rigorous training and holy blessings from the Chief God. Once a person reaches their limits as a human, this blessing allows them to break through those limits and gain superhuman abilities. The Theocracy of Lescatie specializes in producing top-ranked heroes, although powerful human warriors can arise from outside the Order as well—like Zipangu's Amanomiya Koyoi."

She paused, her eyes gleaming with a mix of contempt and curiosity. "Although some heroes are made, others are born. Humans chosen by fate, rather than by direct blessing from a god, might have their development overseen by a Valkyrie sent from Heaven. Some awaken as heroes without any direct divine intervention, often by training in places teeming with strong power, including divine power, for long periods of time... But you! You're different, Cambrius. You hold the power of a god! I can feel it flowing within you, and more than one power at that. One is the so-called Crucible, if I'm not mistaken. But what about the ot—"

"Do not mention the others,"Cambrius interrupted, his tone commanding and final.

Lyzethra, surprised by his sudden outburst, hesitated before speaking again. "Oh... I'm sorry if that brought back any bad memories."

"It is forgiven," Cambrius replied solemnly, his voice heavy with the weight of past experiences. "Such is the life of one who sought knowledge and paid the price."

Lyzethra's eyes softened as she looked up at him. "Could you at least show me one later?"

"I shall," Cambrius conceded, "but for now, tell me how far Lescatie is from here. And when is Druella planning to take it?"

"Lescatie is not more than a few hours away," Lyzethra explained. "That's why we've built these large walls—to protect against Order incursions. And Druella is already planning to take Lescatie tomorrow."

"I see," Cambrius said, nodding. "Then time is of the essence."

Suddenly, Lyzethra yanked on Cambrius's neck, her eyes wide with concern. "You aren't planning to go there, are you?"

"Unfortunately, I am," Cambrius replied, his tone brooking no argument.

Lyzethra pouted, her grip on him tightening. "Fine! But you better come back to me when you're done! And watch out for the heroes! Alone they wouldn't pose a threat, but in a group, I doubt you would have it easy!"

"Your concern is appreciated," Cambrius said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Are there any other points of note about Lescatie?"

"Oh! You should visit Priestess Sasha's orphanage in the woods of Lescatie!" Lyzethra said excitedly. "Here, I'll give you a map."

"Sasha?" Cambrius raised an eyebrow. "By the title 'priestess,' I assume she is an Order priestess. Why would you send me to her?"

"Sasha Fullmoon. She's a hero," Lyzethra explained, "but she's on our side. She doubted the Order and now runs a mamono orphanage hidden in the woods. I want you to go to Sasha and let her take you to the orphanage to see if the little ones are all right!"

Cambrius considered this for a moment before nodding. "I shall do that. Well then, I hope you enjoyed my presence, but I must leave to prepare for the journey."

"Wait!" Lyzethra called out, her voice tinged with a mix of desperation and something else.

Cambrius turned to look at her, his brow furrowed. "What is it?"

Lyzethra hesitated, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "C-Could you carry me to my room?"

Cambrius sighed, though there was a hint of amusem*nt in his voice. "Fine. Where is it?"

"In the hallway behind my throne," Lyzethra replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

With a resigned but gentle expression, Cambrius nodded and adjusted his grip on her, preparing to carry her to her quarters.

Cambrius carried Lyzethra through the grand hallway behind the throne, his steps steady and purposeful despite the whirlwind of thoughts racing through his mind. As they reached her room, he gently nudged the door open with his foot, revealing a space that was a stark contrast to her fearsome persona. The room was filled with cutesy items—plush toys, glittering trinkets, and a distinct rabbit theme that pervaded every corner. The sight of it caught Cambrius slightly off guard, though he didn't let it show.

He carefully lowered Lyzethra onto her bed, the soft mattress sinking under her weight as she nestled into the cushions. Cambrius straightened up, surveying the room with a mixture of curiosity and silent amusem*nt. Lyzethra, noticing his reaction, blushed slightly but quickly regained her composure.

"Here," she said, reaching over to a nearby dresser cluttered with various knick-knacks. She pulled out a small, intricately detailed map and handed it to him. "This will guide you to Sasha's orphanage."

Cambrius took the map, nodding in acknowledgement. "Thank you."

Before he could turn to leave, Lyzethra's voice stopped him. "Wait, Cambrius… could you… show me your wings? You promised earlier!"

There was a brief pause before Cambrius obliged. With a focused thought, he summoned his wings, massive, feathery appendages that unfurled from his back with a faint shimmer of ethereal light. The wings were a deep, golden hue, with an underlying metallic sheen.

Lyzethra's eyes widened in awe as she gazed at them. Without hesitation, she leaned forward and nuzzled her face against one of the wings, her expression soft and content. The sensation was new to Cambrius; the gentle warmth of her touch against his wing was oddly comforting.

After a moment, Lyzethra looked up at him with a mischievous glint in her eye. Before Cambrius could react, she leaned up and planted an unexpected kiss on the front of his helmet. Smudging an orange kiss mark on his helmet, leaving Cambrius momentarily stunned.

"That's for good luck," she said with a sly smile, her cheeks flushed with a hint of pink.

Cambrius stared down at her, his expression hidden behind his helmet, but the subtle tension in his posture suggested that he was both surprised and somewhat flustered by the gesture. "Goodbye Lyzethra", he then turned and left the room.

As he stepped outside the castle, the air was still searing against his armoured frame, the evening sky casting long shadows across the landscape. Cambrius made his way to the outskirts of the castle, where Khenyx awaited him. The hellhound was leaning casually against a rocky outcrop, her fiery red eyes gleaming in the dim light.

When Cambrius approached, Khenyx sniffed the air, her nose twitching slightly. A mischievous smirk spread across her face as she straightened up and looked at him with a knowing gaze. "You reek of her scent," she remarked, her tone teasing but laced with curiosity. "What did you do with her, hmm?"

Cambrius shot her a sharp glance, though there was no real anger in it. "Nothing of the sort," he replied curtly, though the lingering scent of Lyzethra on his armour told a different story.

Khenyx chuckled, her tail flicking playfully behind her. "Sure, sure. Just make sure you don't get too distracted by all these lovely ladies, Cambrius. You've got work to do."

With a nod, Cambrius shifted his focus back to the mission at hand. The path to Lescatie awaited, and time was of the essence. Despite the light-hearted banter with Khenyx, Cambrius couldn't afford to lose sight of his goals. There was much to be done, and the fate of Lescatie and perhaps much more hung in the balance.


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.