2nde saving the planet (2024)

Axe 7 : Saving the planet, imagining possible futures

Séance d'anglais mois de mai

Pour chaque séance vous avez du travail et des dates sont imposées pour rendre votre travail que vous soyez en distanciel ou en présentiel. Vous travaillerez TOUS en autonomie mais lors du présentiel je répondrai individuellement aux questions de chacun.Voilà la seule solution que j'ai trouvée pour ne pénaliser personne.BON COURAGE MES LOULOUS!


Problématique:How is England changing its eating habits to save the planet?

Let's discover some eco facts worldwide: take this quiz

Now, take your copybooks and write 5 sentences to react to the statements.Ex : I had no idea (that) ( sujet+ verbe au preterit...)I didn't know (that) (sujet + verbe au prétérit)I am astonished to learn that....I am surprised to read that....How surprising to read that...


Before we answer this question, let's revise some vocabulary



The issue ( le problème) with food waste (use the "SOS" buttons)

1. Look at the cartoon on the left and explain what "food waste" means.2. Give 2 reasons why we waste so much food. 3. Now look at the cartoon on the right and explain what consequences this waste could have. 4.Mention 5 means ( les moyens) to reduce food waste.


throw away - the bin - bites ( des petites bouchées)-a plate (assiette). The character = indifferent

to produce too much - perishable goods- the consumption deadline is overdue - to grow your own food - a consumer society- be hungry- human health - obese

planet Earth- a gigantic bin- to pay attention to - be endangered- to get rid of ( se débarasser de ) - not have enough resources to feed ourselves - the climate = unlivable....

Expression à renvoyer à votre prof avant le vendredi 7 mai 18.00

The document is a cartoon representing today's and tomorrow's world. On the picture on the right, an overweight man is emptying his plate, throwing a lot of food in the bin and we notice he only had a few bites in the burger or the sandwich. He is wasting food. Food waste means throwing away food which has not been eaten. We guess the man may hahe bitten off more than he can chew (avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre ). He probably bought too much and the consumption deadline is overdue. On the right picture, the man is now being thrown away by the planet itself. We understand the planet is getting rid of humans because it can't stand their selfish attitude any longer. The planet does not have enough resources to feed all citizens anymore and the planet is unlivable. People should not waste their waste but rather freeze the leftovers. They should write a shopping list to buy the bare necessities. They should offer their leftovers to needy people. They'd better give the products with a close expiry date to a charity. They ought to compost their leftovers and then grow their own fruit or vegetables.

1.Say what the nature of the document is and its aim. The document aims at + v-ing The author expects viewers to + v-inf 2.Explain the paradox regarding food waste in England Even though ( même si...)3.What should English people do to avoid wasting so much? They should / they shouldn’t + v-inf (écris 4 phrases)

Wasted food

How is England changing its eating habits to save the planet?

correction ->

Voc : to raise awareness on ( = sensibiliser) to be aware of = to be conscious of to reduce = to cut down on to no longer + v-inf = to stop + v-ing ( ne plus...) to waste ( = gaspiller) to throw away (jeter) to be short of money ( être fauché) to lack ( manquer de) to starve ( = mourir de faim) – to find it hard to make ends meet = avoir du mal à finir le mois financièrement to be overweight = to be obese A locavore = someone who primarily eats local foods

WRAP works with governments, businesses and communities to deliver practical solutions to improve resource efficiency. Our mission is to accelerate the move to a sustainable, resource-efficient economy by: re-inventing how we design, produce and sell products, re-thinking how we use and consume products, and re-defining what is possible through re-use and recycling

séance 10 mai : réponds aux questions en utilisant un lexique riche et varié

Say what the nature of the document is and its aim( =its objective) The document is an advert made by WRAP which aims at raising awareness on waste .It presents an apple divided into two parts : a healthy one and a rotten one. These 2 part illustrate the caption “British people waste 50 % of the food they buy”. This means that a half of what they buy ends up in the bin.The author expects viewers to reduce (= to cut down on) on their waste. He asks viewers not to be “a bad apple” that is to say not to be a fool and not to behave in an irresponsible way. Explain the paradox regarding food waste in England Even though some people are short of money, lack food or starve, some British people throw away their food. What should English people do to avoid wasting so much?

  • They should write a list before going to the shop not to buy too much food
  • People ’d better (not) always trust the use-by date
  • People ought to sort out their fridge so as not to forget some food items which then could be rotten…

Meatless Monday: Choose to Go Meatless One Day a Week – A Timely Idea that Started 100 Years Ago

Regarde la vidéo et fais un compte rendu en FRANCAIS comme lors des épreuves E3C l'an prochain. ( présente le document ( titre, source...) qui parle à qui , dans quelles circonstances, de quoi, comment s'enchainent les idées, quel est le but du document/ journaliste...


travail à renvoyer avant le 12 mai minuit

La vidéo est nommée “Meatless Monday: Choose to Go Meatless One Day a Week – A Timely Idea that Started 100 Years Ago” et elle a été réalisée par le movement “Meatless Monday”. Il s’agit d’une vidéo explicative dans laquelle Sid Lerner, le fondateur de « the Monday Campaign » et sa présidente Peggy Neu interviennent à tour de rôle afin de corroborer les idées émises par chacun. Sid Lerner est le premier à intervenir et il rappelle sa jeunesse en tant que Scout pendant la 2ème Guerre Mondiale et explique qu’à cette période Roosevelt a émis l’idée d’un lundi sans viande afin que les soldats déployés soient mieux nourris, idée en fait née pendant la 1ère GM. Neu rebondit en expliquant que la guerre était une période de pénurie et par conséquent on a demandé aux citoyens Américains de ne pas utiliser de blé ou bien de viande un jour précis dans la semaine et qu’ensuite pendant la 2ème GM c’est le lundi sans viande qui a été retenu ( 12 millions d’américains ont adhéré à cette idée, soit 10 à12% de la population ). Lerner explique ensuite que le succès de Roosevelt lui a donné l’envie de relancer l’initiative en 2003. Neu explique toutefois que les causes poussant à ce jour sans viande ont changé : aujourd’hui on souffre d’une surconsommation de viande (15 % de trop selon Lerner qui cite la FDA) et qu’afin d’être en bonne santé, supprimer la viande une journée et une bonne solution. Pour Neu il y a un autre point commun entre aujourd’hui et la 1ere GM c’est ce sentiment de citoyenneté ; c’est une décision prise par de nombreuses personnes ensemble, dans 40 pays différents et qui est soutenue par des écoles, des chefs de restaurants, … Lerner explique que des personnes connues telles Oprah Winfrey ou Mac Cartney ou bien des associations protectrices des animaux ou de l’environnement soutiennent également le mouvement. Pour Neu, chaque citoyen, avec sa petite participation, contribue à une amélioration de la planète. Le journaliste célèbre donc les 100 ans de ce mouvement en présentant son histoire et son évolution. Interroger des personnes investies dans ce mouvement permet d’avoir des arguments favorables et le document espère ainsi faire adhérer bien d’autres citoyens afin que le nombre de pays adhérents dépasse les 40.


The problem with eating meat.

Lis le texte, réponds aux questions et rédige la question finale


Travail à renvoyer avant le vendredi 21 minuit

  • Explain what the idea is from line 4 to line 6.

Eating meat is hazardous for the environment, water, nature…

  • From line 7 to line 10, you can read: 96% , 18% and a third . Explain what the numbers correspond to.

96%): proportion of mammals that are livestock and humans. 18%: proportion of all food calories meat and dairy products ( milk, cheese, cream, yoghurts…) account for. a third :proportion of protein meat and dairy products ( milk, cheese, cream, yoghurts…) account for.

  • What conclusion can you come to?

Population: worst species extinction crisis – mass extinctions of animals – world’s population balloons. Food consumption: eat far less meat – beef and pork – food calories – protein – farmed meat – huge reduction in meat eating required – beef consumption needs to drop – more beans and pulses – consumption of pork, milk and eggs needs to decline – flexitarian diet. Environment: recycling – help the planet – fueling climate change – polluting landscapes and waterways – deforestation – methane emissions – fertilizer use – greenhouse gas emissions – pollution of streams, rivers, the ocean – dangerous climate change – global temperature increase.

  • From line 11 to line 15. What environmental problems do farmed animals cause? Rephrase the ideas.

Main problem: farmed meat harms the environment and does not feed the world’s growing population

  • From line 16 to 22. What do scientists advise people to do?

Scientists advise people to eat less meat and more vegetables and to switch to a flexitarian diet which requires less meat. List of possible solutions: grow more vegetables – stop deforestation – use less fertilizers – become a flexitarian – eat more beans and pulses.

  • Try to explain how this photo can illustrate the article( 60 words) CORRECTION INDIVIDUELLE

The poster is an ad for veggie burgers. It shows a cow made out of vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, courgettes, asparagus, shallots, peas, etc.). In the background there is grass and trees made out of broccoli. In the foreground, on a white plate there is a burger that looks like an ordinary burger with meat, salad, tomatoes, bread and cheese. A stamp on the burger reads “25% bigger than the leading national brand”, and at the bottom of the poster the slogan is: “Lightlife: live long, travel light. Introducing the new Lightlife veggie burgers: more proof that eating well and living well can be one and the same”. Four boxes are all ticked: 20g protein, no preservatives, non-GMO soy, 100% delicious. We can draw a parallel with the text which is about why people should eat less meat or how it is important to eat less meat.


Grammar : les quantifieurs

Regarde la vidéo pour avoir le cours puis complète la fiche d'exercices

travail du 26 mai

video : London’s First Insect Farm Wants People To Eat Worms.

Watch the video then complete the summary on learning app


PHONETICS /FIND THE WORDS CORRESPONDING TO :1./ˈviːɡən/ = 2./riːˈsaɪkəl/= 3./weɪst/ = 4./ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/= 5./ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ = 6./wɔːn/= 7./ʌnˈhelθi/ = 8./ˈləʊkəvɔːr/ = 9./səˈsteɪnəbəl/ = 10./əˈweərnəs/ =

TRANSLATE THE SENTENCES INTO ENGLISH 1.Pour protéger la planète, le gouvernement anglais et des associations créent beaucoup de publicités pour sensibiliser la population. 2.Les scientifiques déclarent que nous devrions consommer plus d’insectes ou de légumes secs car ils sont bons pour la santé. 3. Les vaches génèrent des gaz à effet de serre qui polluent l’air c’est pourquoi nous devons adopter un régime sans-viande. 4.Nous devrions remplacer la viande par les légumes, ne pas jeter les restes, réduire nos déchets et être respectueux de l’environnement. 5.Peu de gens s’engagent et pourtant des personnes meurent de faim car la nourriture et l’eau sont rares dans leur pays. 6.Manger de la nourriture locale, faite maison ou biologique peut être une solution au changement climatique

2nde saving the planet (2024)


What is the 1% to save the planet? ›

1% for the Planet is a global network with thousands of businesses and environmental organizations working together to support people and the planet.

What can I do to save the planet? ›

Ten Simple Things You Can Do to Help Protect the Earth
  1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. ...
  2. Volunteer. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. ...
  3. Educate. ...
  4. Conserve water. ...
  5. Choose sustainable. ...
  6. Shop wisely. ...
  7. Use long-lasting light bulbs. ...
  8. Plant a tree.

What is the 10 years to save the planet? ›

Humanity has the power and the knowledge to reverse the harm and restore land and oceans – if it acts now. This is why the United Nations declared the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. By 2030, the world must nearly halve greenhouse gas emissions to prevent devastating climate change.

Is it still possible to save our planet? ›

We truly do have the power to build a future in which nature and people can thrive together. A more sustainable path is possible. But we need to rally individuals, governments, companies and communities around the world to take action with us over the next decade.

Will we need 3 planets by 2050? ›

The World Wildlife Fund predicts that at the current rate of population growth, by 2050 we will need 3 planets. Our rate of consumption is unsustainable, benefits of economic growth are not being felt equally around the world and countries who least contributed to climate change are feeling the worse effects of it.

How can a 12 year old save the planet? ›

If so, there are things you can do to help save the Earth. You can make a big difference in helping the environment by reducing the amount of trash you produce: If you take your lunch to school, make it "garbage free." Take your sandwich and drink in a reusable container. Avoid using throw-away containers.

How much would it cost to save the planet? ›

Estimates of how much money it would take to end global climate change range between $300 billion and $50 trillion over the next two decades. Why such a massive range? Because experts disagree about how to stop climate change.

What is harming our earth? ›

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation.

Is how to save a planet over? ›

The world of climate podcasts darkened late last week when Spotify announced that it is canceling its popular Gimlet Media–produced podcast How to Save a Planet, alongside 10 other original shows.

How will Earth be in 2030? ›

But by the 2030s, as temperatures rise, climate hazards are expected to increase all over the globe as different countries face more crippling heat waves, worsening coastal flooding and crop failures, the report says.

How will Earth be in 10,000 years? ›

In 10,000 years, if we totally let it rip, the planet could ultimately be an astonishing 7 degrees Celsius warmer on average and feature seas 52 meters (170 feet) higher than they are now, the paper suggests.

How will Earth change in 100 years? ›

In 100 years, the world's population will probably be around 10 – 12 billion people, the rainforests will be largely cleared and the world would not be or look peaceful. We would have a shortage of resources such as water, food and habitation which would lead to conflicts and wars.

How can we save our planet? ›

10 things you can do to help save our planet
  1. © Andre Dib / WWF-Brazil. Use your voice. ...
  2. © Polar bear. Be Informed. ...
  3. © WWF-UK. Be political. ...
  4. © Discover Adventure. Travel responsibly. ...
  5. © Global Warming Images / WWF. Eat sustainably. ...
  6. © Georgina Goodwin / Shoot The Earth / WWF-UK. Reduce your waste. ...
  7. Watch what you buy. ...
  8. © Andy Rouse.

Is it too late to save Earth? ›

While the effects of human activities on Earth's climate to date are irreversible on the timescale of humans alive today, every little bit of avoided future temperature increases results in less warming that would otherwise persist for essentially forever.

How many years do we have left to save Earth? ›

Current commitments to fight climate change would barely cut global emissions at all by 2030. Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change said the next two years are "essential in saving our planet".

What does the 1% for the planet mean? ›

One Percent for the Planet is an international organization whose members contribute at least one percent of their annual revenue to environmental causes to protect the environment.

What is the 1% for the planet pledge? ›

1% for the Planet provides businesses with expertise in environmental giving, credibility consumers trust and the accountability to follow through. Each year, businesses give 1% of their annual sales directly to our vetted environmental partners. And, we check the receipts.

What is the 1 dollar for the planet? ›

1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through annual membership and everyday actions. They advise on giving strategies, certify donations and amplify the impact of their network.

What is the hashtag for 1% for the Planet? ›

Hashtags: #OnePercentForThePlanet, #BeOnePercentBetter. Twitter: @1percentFTP. LinkedIn: @onepercentfortheplanet.


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.